Message from

Discord ID: 794381127686815744

2020-12-29 01:48:03 UTC  

Yes. draining the Swamp, fuck china and America first

2020-12-29 01:49:11 UTC  
2020-12-29 01:49:11 UTC  

2020-12-30 11:09:37 UTC  

1. Yes
2. Google search
3. No i don't, he is zionist anti-Iranian hawk
4. Yes
5. Not extremist but i guess you would consider iranian government ideology extremist
6. Right wing

2020-12-30 11:09:49 UTC  


Sorry for the late response.

And there is a difference between the Iranian people and the government unless you are one of those who chants death to America then I have no problem letting you in

2020-12-30 14:41:11 UTC  

you probably didn't understand, i support iranian government

I see. Do you share their death to America sentiment?

2020-12-30 14:43:51 UTC  

I just want USA to leave middle east and eastern europe

So do I. But Eastern Europe isnt going to happen. Middle east is possible

2020-12-30 16:34:11 UTC  

Please answer the following questions in verification
1.Do you agree to follow the TOS and Server Rules? Yes
2.What brought you here? disbaord
3. Do You Support Donald J Trump? If yes,please state the policies you agree with.) No
4. Do you agree to remain CIVIL in the server? Yes
5.Do you support any extremists organizations or ideologies? No
6. Which would you say you lean? Conservative ( <@&756251965981327432> <@&756252155253620818> <@&756252097586135191> )

2020-12-30 16:40:13 UTC  

2020-12-30 23:49:58 UTC  

1. Yes
2. Advertisement
3. Yes, I agree with ending foreign wars and deregulation
4. Yes
5. I wouldn't say so
6. Right Wing

2020-12-31 05:06:01 UTC  

1. Yes
2. Partnership
3. Policy wise yes as far as business deregulation ending wars & lowering taxes.
4. Yes
5. No
6. Libertarian right

2020-12-31 16:10:36 UTC  

1.Do you agree to follow the TOS and Server Rules? Yes, I agree to follow the TOS and Server Rules
2.What brought you here? (State user or website you were referred from.) Advertisement in an Anti-Communist server
3. Do You Support Donald J Trump? If yes,please state the policies you agree with.) Yes, I support Donald J. Trump and his anti-socialist/communist policies, economy policies, and America First policy
4. Do you agree to remain CIVIL in the server? Yes
5.Do you support any extremists organizations or ideologies? I am a paleolibertarian, so no
6. Which would you say you lean?( @Right Wing @Centrist @Left Wing ) Right Wing

2020-12-31 16:10:58 UTC  

!whois @terry

2020-12-31 16:10:58 UTC  

2021-01-01 01:46:59 UTC  

!whois @Erudite

2021-01-01 01:46:59 UTC  

2021-01-01 04:08:22 UTC  

1.Do you agree to follow the TOS and Server Rules? Yes
2.What brought you here? (State user or website you were referred from.) Disboard
3. Do You Support Donald J Trump? If yes,please state the policies you agree with.) No
4. Do you agree to remain CIVIL in the server? Yes
5.Do you support any extremists organizations or ideologies? No
6. Which would you say you lean?( @Right Wing @Centrist @Left Wing ) centrist

2021-01-01 04:43:56 UTC  

!whois @Epic

2021-01-01 04:43:57 UTC  

2021-01-02 07:50:11 UTC  

1.Do you agree to follow the TOS and Server Rules? Yes
2.What brought you here? (State user or website you were referred from.) right wing friend invited me
3. Do You Support Donald J Trump? If yes,please state the policies you agree with.) No
4. Do you agree to remain CIVIL in the server? Yes
5.Do you support any extremists organizations or ideologies? No
6. Which would you say you lean Right Wing

2021-01-02 07:51:44 UTC  
2021-01-02 07:51:45 UTC  

2021-01-02 13:39:13 UTC  

2021-01-02 14:53:17 UTC  

Please answer the following questions in verification
1.Do you agree to follow the TOS and Server Rules? Yes, I do.
2.What brought you here? (State user or website you were referred from.) I came from Disboard.
3. Do You Support Donald J Trump? If yes,please state the policies you agree with.) I support president Donald J. Trump because I have mostly conservative thoughts, I agree with the closed borders policy, Police is an important security force, abortion is crime, taxation is theft and personally I wouldn't buy a gun but I agree that people should have the right to buy one if they want, so I'm pro-life, pro second amendment, I'm a patriot, I'm not from the U.S. but I love both Romania and the U.S.
4. Do you agree to remain CIVIL in the server? Well.. yes, why not?
5.Do you support any extremists organizations or ideologies? No, I just believe in Tradition, Faith and Family, nothing extremist about that.
6. Which would you say you lean? I am a @Right Wing (Conservative)

2021-01-02 14:54:08 UTC  

We usually dont let new accounts in but you sound based so ill let you in

2021-01-02 14:54:42 UTC  

Alright, thank you very much.

2021-01-02 19:59:59 UTC  

2021-01-02 21:42:04 UTC  

1.Do you agree to follow the TOS and Server Rules? yes
2.What brought you here? (State user or website you were referred from.) UKPSS
3. Do You Support Donald J Trump? If yes,please state the policies you agree with.) Yes (supporting the police, preventing unneeded lockdowns, keeping schools open, expanding the use of nuclear power, being harsh against China, making America less interventionist, strengthening the border)
4. Do you agree to remain CIVIL in the server? yes
5.Do you support any extremists organizations or ideologies? no
6. Which would you say you lean?( @Right Wing @Centrist @Left Wing ) left wing

Lol left wing for trump?


2021-01-02 21:55:12 UTC  


2021-01-02 21:55:24 UTC  

I'm economically left but culturally right