Message from @Benny J

Discord ID: 798293319955251240

2021-01-11 20:45:31 UTC  

Thays awsome

2021-01-11 20:46:08 UTC  

How many ppm of co² are on Venus. We can't ignore how we have about 440 ppm now and we had around 900 In the last ice age

2021-01-11 20:46:37 UTC  

30,000 PPM.

2021-01-11 20:47:10 UTC  

We have a long time before global warming kills off life.

2021-01-11 20:47:24 UTC  

Well so it's hard to say how warm earth would be with that amount because it's closer to the sun.

2021-01-11 20:48:06 UTC  

Earth could probably have 4000 ppm and would only be 15⁰c warmer

2021-01-11 20:48:30 UTC  

I bet it would be close to Venus' heat, which is around 820 degrees.

2021-01-11 20:48:47 UTC  

And fossil fuels are limited so humans probably can't increase it past 1000 ppm which would only warm the climate a fraction of a degree

2021-01-11 20:49:34 UTC  

The current CO2 emissions haven't warmed the climate as the alarmists day because the increase is so miniscule that the sun's affect is still stronger.

2021-01-11 20:49:44 UTC  

I know.

2021-01-11 20:49:53 UTC  

Ok so you're not a global warmer.

2021-01-11 20:50:26 UTC  

I'm not. I think it's real and could happen in the distant future but not right now.

2021-01-11 20:50:38 UTC  

I've said that several times.

2021-01-11 20:51:00 UTC  

But there is only so much CO2 that can be emitted so how do you believe it can happen in the futurw

2021-01-11 20:51:18 UTC  

The increase would have to be in the thousands of ppm

2021-01-11 20:51:23 UTC  

It happened to Venus, it could possible happen to us.

2021-01-11 20:51:35 UTC  

What part of "distant future" do you not understand?

2021-01-11 20:51:47 UTC  

That isn't two or three years. That's millions of years.

2021-01-11 20:52:14 UTC  

I'm talking about how we've already used 50% of fossil fuels and we can't really increase the CO2 more than double

2021-01-11 20:52:26 UTC  

Our planet has trees, which soak up CO2, counter-acting it's affects.

2021-01-11 20:52:39 UTC  

Venus doesn't have trees, which is why it's the way it is.

2021-01-11 20:53:01 UTC  

But you still haven't told me where all this imaginary CO2 comes from

2021-01-11 20:53:17 UTC  

Volcanos, humans, any other living creature.

2021-01-11 20:53:33 UTC  

We learned about this in elementary school science.

2021-01-11 20:53:57 UTC  

The schools where I live teach alarmism so I don't take them seriously

2021-01-11 20:54:15 UTC  

You live in Canada, don't you?

2021-01-11 20:54:19 UTC  

But humans emit CO2 that comes from the ground and there is a limited amount in the ground

2021-01-11 20:54:30 UTC  

Yes I do live in canada

2021-01-11 20:54:46 UTC  

Humans breathe out CO2 dude.

2021-01-11 20:55:07 UTC  

The CO2 is already in the atmosphere the humans don't create it

2021-01-11 20:55:23 UTC  

I know.

2021-01-11 20:55:35 UTC  

I never said they did.

2021-01-11 20:55:51 UTC  

@Euan, can you turn off slowmode? It's really fucking annoying.

2021-01-11 20:55:56 UTC  


2021-01-11 20:56:27 UTC  

If we didn't have trees and if we keep taking trees, our planet will be fucked in the distant future.

2021-01-11 20:56:43 UTC  

I doubt we could take enough trees to actually cause something bad to happen.

2021-01-11 20:56:55 UTC  

But it's possible.

2021-01-11 20:57:36 UTC  

I agree but it is true that removal of trees means more CO2 because they soak it up. But with the recent CO2 increase there actually is more plant life because there is more CO2 available for them to soak up.

2021-01-11 20:58:01 UTC  

I know but in the distant future, that may not be the case.

2021-01-11 20:58:32 UTC  

Well it's hard to predict the distant future so it's reallybhard to say

2021-01-11 20:58:41 UTC  

I'm just saying it's a very real possibility.