Message from @Restream Bot

Discord ID: 614189414532382860

2019-08-22 19:56:06 UTC  

[YouTube: Kay :] and Casey .

2019-08-22 19:56:17 UTC  

The problem is yes these things are problems

2019-08-22 19:56:21 UTC  

But they never ask why

2019-08-22 19:56:28 UTC  

Why is our country broke

2019-08-22 19:56:40 UTC  

Because like half the annual budget goes to fucking fraud

2019-08-22 19:56:52 UTC  

[YouTube: Bruce Wayne] One of the cops is cracking up

2019-08-22 19:56:52 UTC  

[YouTube: frogmeat] somebody dropped it

2019-08-22 19:56:59 UTC  


2019-08-22 19:57:22 UTC  

[YouTube: JJ Jared Stout] Daddies was taken away. Either by force or by drugs. Wasn’t there to guide their families either mentally or physically. Thats what happen

2019-08-22 19:57:38 UTC  

He just periodicallt stops and stares

2019-08-22 19:57:43 UTC  

Theyre just there

2019-08-22 19:58:09 UTC  

[YouTube: JJ Jared Stout] The ones that was there set and drank beer and watched fb and handed a tablet to their kids. Generation raised by leftist internet

2019-08-22 19:58:39 UTC  

[YouTube: JJ Jared Stout] We are living in literally The Cable Guy

2019-08-22 19:59:11 UTC  

[YouTube: Bruce Wayne] Tits can be deadly. They can smother somebody. Ban ti.... ummm... nevermind

2019-08-22 20:03:49 UTC  

[YouTube: frogmeat] I blame the damn joos

2019-08-22 20:05:24 UTC  

[YouTube: Bob Frguson] it is my dads fault

2019-08-22 20:05:38 UTC  

[YouTube: JJ Jared Stout] With today’s tech. This was supposed to happen under HilLIARy. Fake bots,emails,letters, all looks like We the People wants this legislation

2019-08-22 20:05:53 UTC  

[YouTube: frogmeat] mostly my fault guys. sorry. 😔

2019-08-22 20:07:40 UTC  

[YouTube: gusthebroken2] @frogmeat What's the complaint today ? lol.

2019-08-22 20:08:42 UTC  

[YouTube: frogmeat] oh none Gus. I'm just apologizing for all the world's problems.

2019-08-22 20:09:27 UTC  

[YouTube: gusthebroken2] Have a good one ..It was just my way of saying hello.

2019-08-22 20:09:59 UTC  

[YouTube: frogmeat] you too mang. 🤘

2019-08-22 20:14:49 UTC  

[YouTube: gusthebroken2] My teeth are like stars .. They come out at night.

2019-08-22 20:15:36 UTC  

[YouTube: frogmeat] my teeth are like ghetto dad's. gone

2019-08-22 20:16:22 UTC  

[YouTube: frogmeat] friend: where's your teeth froggy? me : I said they at the store!!!

2019-08-22 20:17:24 UTC  

[YouTube: JJ Jared Stout] Tell me how voting HilLIARy in would had fought “white supremacy”? With her good mentor Robert Byrd?

2019-08-22 20:18:25 UTC  

[YouTube: frogmeat] good question JJ. the answer is simple : it wouldn't have. also, white supremacy isn't an issue government should concern itself with. people have freedom of thought. and......

2019-08-22 20:19:41 UTC  

[YouTube: frogmeat] ya know what? that line if thought does have some merit. look at " bad " neighborhoods vs " good " neighborhoods. nuff said

2019-08-22 20:20:28 UTC  

[YouTube: gusthebroken2] I shudder to thik what would happen if the clintons got back into power ..

2019-08-22 20:20:59 UTC  

[YouTube: Paul Smith] there would be a war and I would start it

2019-08-22 20:20:59 UTC  

[YouTube: gusthebroken2] Or the Bushes for that matter.

2019-08-22 20:21:14 UTC  

[YouTube: Paul Smith] for them too

2019-08-22 20:21:29 UTC  

[YouTube: frogmeat] I don't. I almost wish they would ger back in power, so we finally kick off this war that's brewing.

2019-08-22 20:22:29 UTC  

[YouTube: JJ Jared Stout] Kinda why morbidly i pray for impeachment. Something to wake people tf up and get off their ass!

2019-08-22 20:23:00 UTC  

[YouTube: Paul Smith] me too get the respects of things right out every damn one of them then kick there asses cause well as it goes this way they get away right

2019-08-22 20:23:30 UTC  

[YouTube: frogmeat] bingo.

2019-08-22 20:23:45 UTC  

[YouTube: Bruce Wayne] "Call the doctor right away if signs like low mood (depression), nervousness, restlessness, grouchiness, panic attacks, or changes in mood or actions are new or worse" shit, that happens to me anyway

2019-08-22 20:24:00 UTC  

[YouTube: JJ Jared Stout] Or get him to confirm or deny Q 💯. To get people active. Instead of setting on their ass “trusting the plan”

2019-08-22 20:25:02 UTC  

[YouTube: frogmeat] but hell, our side ain't doin shit now, probably won't if they even tried gun confiscation or some shit either. it takes an army, a collective of trained fighters. and folks on our side are....

2019-08-22 20:25:48 UTC  

[YouTube: frogmeat] .... too concerned with their individualism to stand with their fellow countrymen to right this ship.

2019-08-22 20:26:18 UTC  

[YouTube: JJ Jared Stout] Ikr. Everyone spoiled lazy. Won’t be till we lose everything that we will fight for anything. By then whats the point