Message from @Restream Bot
Discord ID: 629120275690291241
[YouTube: Raymond Kendal Knapp] she isn't a legitimate Human
[YouTube: Carpenter Patriot] oh wow...THERE YOU ARE Belle.. I thought you blocked me...WHEW !!!
[YouTube: Mariam] haha
[YouTube: Growing food defeated economic collapse] Cash Debit Common Shares Credit.
[YouTube: Southern Belle] Ok I’m here
[YouTube: Ryan Bardwell] dump your cache
[YouTube: Kay :] belle look at green garden channel. on my server while ur there
[YouTube: Growing food defeated economic collapse] Advertising expense debit account payable credit
[YouTube: Civilizations] Gus are you calling me mentally deficient because I don't broadcast my legal name on the internet?
[YouTube: Ryan Bardwell] sillies 😁
[YouTube: Kay :] oh lol
[YouTube: Southern Belle] CP are you crazy....block way
[YouTube: gusthebroken2] @Growing food defeated economic collapse..hi dude , shorten yer name to growing food .. It will be better for your Immage
[YouTube: Southern Belle] Kay I don’t know how...tell me what to do....on discord?
[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] nerd buddies giving me a fat.dab!!
[YouTube: Growing food defeated economic collapse] Salaries expense Dr Cash Cr
[YouTube: Carpenter Patriot] HI Belle..🤗...I panicked ... lmao 🤣
[Periscope: maga6919] Damn shame he was in Afghanistan
[YouTube: Southern Belle] Lol CP
[YouTube: Growing food defeated economic collapse] Fine.
[YouTube: Kay :] I thought the same belle lol I qas like but we still gotta go to the parrot for drinks!!
[YouTube: Civilizations] I would also like to come for drinks 😃
[YouTube: Kay :] shit ok one sec
[YouTube: Tian Fan] Hello!
[YouTube: Ryan Bardwell] lol
[YouTube: Tian Fan] This is my full name.
[YouTube: Mariam] hi Tian... nice name
[YouTube: Southern Belle] Yes Kay...Blue Parott....St George Island....right on the beach...really nice
[YouTube: Civilizations] I Would never tell google my full name... only facebook 😃
[YouTube: Tian Fan] I rarely going to find another person with the last name Fan.
[YouTube: Civilizations] j/k
[YouTube: Carpenter Patriot] I broke my neck in a drunkin diving accident...I was paralyzed from the neck down for 5 hours..scared the f*ck out of me
[YouTube: Southern Belle] Come on civil....drinks are on me lol
[YouTube: Tian Fan] Hi civilizations.
[YouTube: Civilizations] @southern belle Yes!! i'm there.
[YouTube: Civilizations] I'll jump on the next private jet
[YouTube: Southern Belle] Lol
[YouTube: Mariam] oh wow, really Carpenter??
[YouTube: Civilizations] Sup Tian Fan?
[YouTube: Southern Belle] PJs are nice