Message from @Restream Bot
Discord ID: 629121859220406273
[YouTube: Southern Belle] Lol
[YouTube: Mariam] oh wow, really Carpenter??
[YouTube: Civilizations] Sup Tian Fan?
[YouTube: Southern Belle] PJs are nice
[YouTube: Tian Fan] The Sky is up - @Civilizations
[YouTube: Civilizations] Are you sure? maybe it's a 4th dimensional hologram
[YouTube: Southern Belle] Kay how do I find your garden site
[YouTube: Ryan Bardwell] Belle Kay will post the link
[YouTube: Tian Fan] Giant 244 Trillion Global Debt is paid by Tian Fan.
[YouTube: Tian Fan] Do permissory notes work on National debt?
[YouTube: Ryan Bardwell] π
[YouTube: Kay :]
[YouTube: Ryan Bardwell] lol
[YouTube: Kay :] look through the channels on the server. look for "green garden"
[YouTube: Kay :] hi Tian
[YouTube: Tian Fan] Hi Kay.
[YouTube: Ryan Bardwell] and Harley's too Belleπ
[YouTube: Kay :] Lol Ryan . yepppp
[YouTube: Carpenter Patriot] yep..on the third day of a 3 day whiskey binge
[YouTube: Southern Belle] Thanks I looked under videos and the latest was a jelly fish....Iβm computer retarded
[YouTube: Tian Fan] Permissory Note on 244 Trillion Global Debt - does the rulers of USA accept this?
[YouTube: Mariam] dern Carpenter that's major, glad you're ok now...
[YouTube: Ryan Bardwell] see her newborn twins
[YouTube: Carpenter Patriot] it was a life changing experience
[YouTube: Carpenter Patriot] when the feeling came back the pain was undescribable
[YouTube: Carpenter Patriot] I broke C4 and C5
[YouTube: Tian Fan] Where is the Bank of Settlements - # Spray painting my name on the Bank of Settlements.
[YouTube: Kay :] Lol Ryan
[YouTube: gusthebroken2] The Honnorable minister of Injustice .... lol
[YouTube: Mariam] wow Carpenter you are very lucky
[YouTube: Kay :] belle look on discord lol
[YouTube: Ryan Bardwell] tweet tweet
[YouTube: Civilizations] Haven't seen him in ages.
[YouTube: Southern Belle] Kay that plant looks devilish......
[YouTube: Civilizations] I would like an update on sick pat pls
[YouTube: Carpenter Patriot] absolutely the scariest thing I've ever experienced..and the best thing that ever happens to was the end of my out of control life...shit got real FAST...
[YouTube: Tian Fan] Tian Fan. Permissory Note. 2019. @244 Trillion USD paid for Global debt. Bank of Tian Fan. Amortization. Appreciation. Depreciation. of Tian Fan's goods.
[YouTube: Kay :] my new born twins are HARLEYS
[YouTube: Ryan Bardwell] devil plant
[YouTube: Kay :] it's not nice to me belle