Message from @Southern Belle
Discord ID: 629775113817948170
[YouTube: Jay Dillon] We all started out microscopic. It's a strange world.
[YouTube: Jay Dillon] Maybe AOC wanted to calm her down, she was revealing too much about the future plans of the Dems hahahaha
[YouTube: North Sider] as with every mammal life begings
[YouTube: Mariam] I thought maybe the eat babies thing was staged, idk...
I’m not sure Mariam....what was the thing AOC said a weeks ago about eating dead ppl....
[YouTube: Jay Dillon] Hopefully I'd prefer to starve
[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] Mariam it may of been.
Hillary like the aborted fetuses bc they produce more collagen due to the pain
[YouTube: Raymond Kendal Knapp] AOC and Adam Schiff TIMESHARE a singular pair of wonky eyes 👀
How can saving human life even be an issue? This world is craxy.
[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] I don't get cannibalism when there is Herbs to eat. salads. hunt fish. man people are so closed minded
[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] this weather sucks !!!!
[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] November is even worse set the clocks back..
We are still hot here but tomorrow suppose to be 10 degrees cooler....we have soccer and cross country
[YouTube: North Sider] i dont eat mammal protein just egg layers witch isnt great.. but can be a vegan
[YouTube: North Sider] cant*
[YouTube: gusthebroken2] Cows don't have watches light saving sux ...
I like my beef
[YouTube: James-Franklin-Arnold] Kay - I just watched that link, and that lady talking to the guy is the same lady telling AOC we need to eat babies.. I think it's some type of bizarre, evil joke, but then- why does AOC wink at her?
[YouTube: Bob Frguson] only government could take an hour from one end of the day and put it on the other and say they added day light
[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] yes it does Gus
[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] rigjt belle it would help my depression
[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] this weather sucks so bad
Dallas have you tried the special lights you can buy for that?
[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] I have not
A friend did and it helped her....a lot.
[YouTube: Mariam] sun lamps
[YouTube: Mariam] I have one
[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] I need one !!
[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] That's awesome
[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] Ohhh that's awesome Mariam! 😀
Hers wasn’t sun lamp but that would work...if your careful
[YouTube: North Sider] not orange sun lamps.. ones shes talking about are different
[YouTube: gusthebroken2] Oh Not drag queens again ...Infowars get on another topic for christ's sake .
[YouTube: James-Franklin-Arnold] ...I'm still wigged out.. I just found out a You tube friend of mine is acutely insane, and the progressives are fking around about eating babies all at once... ugh..
[YouTube: CAMERA PHOBIA] they love trannies on here
[YouTube: Jay Dillon] This is what happens when you let bullying go out of style.
[YouTube: Jay Dillon] and i've been bullied in my life. i know it sucks. but jeez
[YouTube: North Sider] it is for the carpenters sake.. @gusthebroken2 lol
[YouTube: James-Franklin-Arnold] no, bullying is awful.. that's that Gavin McGinnis rhetoric, and I highly disagree with it.