Message from @Restream Bot
Discord ID: 633098552142200843
[YouTube: R4L_FLA] sup man
[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] hey Gus if Iovetream gta5 on twitch . and play Los Santos rock radio will you hangout watch me drive around listen to the tunes 🎵😎😅
[YouTube: Civilizations] operator was super nice to me this morning I think he doesnt want me as an enemy
[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] I livestream*
[YouTube: Civilizations] was a bit strange since he was attacking me for about a week before that
[YouTube: Mariam] I cant go in there... too hostile...
[YouTube: R4L_FLA] i just don't want to deal with it
Hi guys
[YouTube: R4L_FLA] hi CP
[YouTube: Mariam] hey discord Carpenter 👋
[YouTube: R4L_FLA] i really don't care i have enough in my life
[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] yooo!! 😃
How come I don't look like you guys
[YouTube: gusthebroken2] I just give links Dallas ..enjoy the ones I give you .. I''m too busy to watch all ..glad you enjoy a tune or a link ..
[YouTube: R4L_FLA] i gave him a warning delete
[YouTube: Civilizations] j/k
[YouTube: Civilizations] gus refusing to watch video game :(
[YouTube: R4L_FLA] then bam spamming with the other one
[YouTube: Civilizations] gus we need to meet up in red dead 2 soon
Hey Carpenter
Hi Mariam..I think I'm lost lol
[YouTube: gusthebroken2] No .. I'm not refusing .. I was blocked , dunno if unblocked yet ..not a prob either way .
[YouTube: Civilizations] I actually think it's weird that AZ is allowing him to disrespect mods
[YouTube: Civilizations] its a bit weird
[YouTube: Civilizations] in general chat
[YouTube: R4L_FLA] he's not picking sides
[YouTube: gusthebroken2] I have a 1K to listen too ..
[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] wish we had militias patrolling the streets the power grids.. the banks the town halls government centers post office and police stations
[YouTube: R4L_FLA] It's really beginning to be a waste of time
[YouTube: Carpenter Patriot] oh wow this the same 😃
[YouTube: R4L_FLA] one of the girls is saying he shows up on all her servers
[YouTube: R4L_FLA] she feels creeped out about it
[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] 😃
[YouTube: Civilizations] wow another product
I'm bouncing around in the Matrix
[YouTube: Civilizations] he has many new ones this year
[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] Haha carpenter
[YouTube: R4L_FLA] stay on top of innovation
[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] Alex Jones is hustlin 😎