Message from @Restream Bot

Discord ID: 644313032230436898

2019-11-13 22:49:35 UTC  

[YouTube: gusthebroken2] @Digital*Girl..cheers

2019-11-13 22:49:35 UTC  

[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] thanks you! 😃 I am doing well

2019-11-13 22:49:45 UTC  

[YouTube: Digital*Girl] Hi @gusthebroken2

2019-11-13 22:50:25 UTC  

[YouTube: Digital*Girl] Hi Owen's mom

2019-11-13 22:51:36 UTC  

[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] snowed out today digital.

2019-11-13 22:52:57 UTC  

[YouTube: Digital*Girl] Oh no. I bet it's cold. Here i am all so cold even though it's not so cold outside.

2019-11-13 22:53:27 UTC  

[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] jjst made a hamburger

2019-11-13 22:53:37 UTC  

[YouTube: Digital*Girl] a combination of both for a dragqueen

2019-11-13 22:53:37 UTC  

[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] me to way cold !!!

2019-11-13 22:54:07 UTC  

[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] rigjt

2019-11-13 22:54:07 UTC  

[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] it needs to end

2019-11-13 22:54:07 UTC  

[YouTube: Digital*Girl] Yum, bon appetit! 😀

2019-11-13 22:57:50 UTC  

[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] thank you!

2019-11-13 22:58:30 UTC  

[YouTube: Digital*Girl] Hi 1776

2019-11-13 23:03:23 UTC  

[YouTube: sonic bmf] I live 40 miles from LA.. haven't been there in 10 years.. not kidding

2019-11-13 23:06:35 UTC  

[YouTube: Dallas Baldys] hello sonic

2019-11-13 23:08:37 UTC  

[YouTube: gusthebroken2] Cheers @The Resistance 1776

2019-11-13 23:09:07 UTC  

[YouTube: Digital*Girl] oh from Sweden

2019-11-13 23:09:27 UTC  

[YouTube: sonic bmf] swed chicks are hot

2019-11-13 23:09:57 UTC  

[YouTube: Alpha Jalloh] Kim from Sweden!!

2019-11-13 23:09:57 UTC  

[YouTube: Digital*Girl] I would be so stressed to call in because i would stress that my English is bad, lol.

2019-11-13 23:09:57 UTC  

[YouTube: sonic bmf] cali chics are 120% fake

2019-11-13 23:10:07 UTC  

[YouTube: Alpha Jalloh] I know that dude

2019-11-13 23:10:17 UTC  

[YouTube: gusthebroken2] @sonic bmf​ inge ting .

2019-11-13 23:10:28 UTC  

[YouTube: sonic bmf] @Digital*Girl right

2019-11-13 23:10:48 UTC  

[YouTube: Alpha Jalloh] Digital Girl...your English is better than most Americans :)

2019-11-13 23:10:58 UTC  

[YouTube: sonic bmf] lol

2019-11-13 23:11:38 UTC  

[YouTube: Alpha Jalloh] At least in my neighborhood

2019-11-13 23:11:48 UTC  

[YouTube: Digital*Girl] Thank you. 😃 It's different when you have to speak, I would be so stressed.

2019-11-13 23:12:08 UTC  

[YouTube: Alpha Jalloh] You'd be fine once you got going

2019-11-13 23:12:29 UTC  

[YouTube: Alpha Jalloh] Owen is chill

2019-11-13 23:12:39 UTC  

[YouTube: Digital*Girl] Sometimes when I am stressed I can speak fast, hah. Owen is great.

2019-11-13 23:12:39 UTC  

[YouTube: gusthebroken2] @Alpha Jalloh... Engrish ... is hard for some .

2019-11-13 23:12:39 UTC  

[YouTube: sonic bmf] I needed a translator when I would go to S.E. Kentucky

2019-11-13 23:12:49 UTC  

[YouTube: Alpha Jalloh] Listen to how much calmer Kim sounds...

2019-11-13 23:13:09 UTC  

@everyone **[YouTube]** The Resistance 1776 just posted a new video - Join Discord - Click <#606659966954110996>

2019-11-13 23:13:29 UTC  

[YouTube: Alpha Jalloh] @gusthebroken2 English is hard for me!! And I'm from Atlanta!!

2019-11-13 23:13:29 UTC  

[YouTube: sonic bmf] owen will let people talk more than 2 words unlike AJ..lmao

2019-11-13 23:13:50 UTC  

[YouTube: Alpha Jalloh] Exactly, sonic

2019-11-13 23:14:20 UTC  

[YouTube: Alpha Jalloh] Lol

2019-11-13 23:15:00 UTC  

[YouTube: Alpha Jalloh] Good effort, Kim!!