Message from @webdevanon
Discord ID: 301484540017377280
comfy bunker?
ok i'll go away now
>mfw Trump goes into Syria scalping fuckers
>we are not going into syria
Thank fuck
kind of dissapointed tbqh
i was expecting him to not say that for awhile till we finished negotiating with russia
so while all the fags on /pol/ who denounced trump and betrayed him minute 1 of doubt and the media makes us all think we are going to war
Assad and Russia and everyone else thinks Trump is down af so he's got more leverage
when really he was just positioning
All in all: Unlike what the shills said (ie. "we SWEAR goyim, this time it isn't 4d CHESS!!!!!", this was all just still 4d chess, and to never, EVER, doubt the God Emperor
I still support Trump regardless of the Syria bombing, but I don't even want to have leverage in the Middle East. Assad is a secular leader respected by his people and is the only thing keeping radical jihad in check in Syria. Iraq was way better off in 2002 and Libya in 2010 before being "liberated" and Syria will turn into a similar desert shithole if Assad is ousted
To me "America First" means getting the fuck out of the Middle East and spending that money to fix our infrastructure/healthcare/tax system/etc.
very true, however this is still politics
and whether or not Assad really gassed his own people
if Trump didn't respond people would have thought he's a pussy
and he needs dem votes for next election
he also basically buttfucked the russia narrative out of existence
I think it's a false-flag, but it's a moot point. Why aren't we deposing all the violent dictators in South America and Africa? Genocide is pretty much an everyday occurrence in Africa yet we seem compelled to only destabilize Israel's neighbors. We destroy stable countries, create millions of refugees, ship them all to America and Europe, and then Israel keeps expanding their borders and settlements
because nobody gives a shit about either of those shitholes
I don't care if Assad gassed 6 gorillion syrian babies. If one American sustained a paper cut bombing that air base, that is not a policy rooted in "America First"
im not arguing it is
im arguing its a political gain, which Trump still needs now that he's a politician