Message from @cosmixed

Discord ID: 799149960837988353

2021-01-14 05:19:16 UTC  

Next mw2 match

2021-01-14 05:19:52 UTC  

Bout to pull the plug in the swamp. Imagine Hillary I’m’s just too perfect. Obama for spying on innocent Americans.

2021-01-14 05:20:06 UTC  

And Michelle for those school lunches...for shame

2021-01-14 05:20:13 UTC  


2021-01-14 05:20:18 UTC  

If you think one of these are scary in mw2 than imagine 3 of those. Idk of modern even alowed 3 at a time.

2021-01-14 05:20:19 UTC  

every American kid must hate her

2021-01-14 05:20:33 UTC  

I was in school when they made the switch

2021-01-14 05:20:38 UTC  

imagine just an entire fleet of them going into a country

2021-01-14 05:20:41 UTC  
2021-01-14 05:20:44 UTC  

It was all whole grain and reduced fat

2021-01-14 05:20:51 UTC  

We used to get Dominos pizza

2021-01-14 05:20:54 UTC  


2021-01-14 05:20:57 UTC  

Whatever they go after they are sure to turn the land into a swamp by the time their done

2021-01-14 05:21:04 UTC  

To the school lunch ^

2021-01-14 05:21:25 UTC  

It’s like snaking your drain , it’s gonna be nasty

2021-01-14 05:22:33 UTC  

Hopefully no one in the press spills water on Harris she might short circuit

2021-01-14 05:23:30 UTC  

CNN: President Biden what. Is. Your. Favorite. color?
Joe: I don’t like the coloreds very much

2021-01-14 05:25:15 UTC  

It would appear other than the 3 ac-130’s which are all stations in Florida 2 have landed and 1 is over Georgia. There appear to be some spec ops c-130’s that from what I see seem to have been shuttling troops to AFBs and then shuttling them on a vague route to Dc if not to places around Dc

2021-01-14 05:27:02 UTC  

Georgia 🤔

2021-01-14 05:28:15 UTC  

Well if anything happens in Georgia or Florida blame it on a 105mm howitzer fired from a supped up cargo aircraft

2021-01-14 05:36:38 UTC  

CNN "Mr Biden, what is your favorite ice cream?1!1?1!1!"

2021-01-14 05:40:16 UTC  

Well I feel like the rough route being used to move this stuff is as follows however this is an educated guess this might be completely false since I’m not aware of what these aircraft are carrying: along the the coastlines. Idk it seems like some of these aircraft are running round flights between AFB’s the bigger stuff is just going over the middle of the us.

2021-01-14 05:41:56 UTC  

like what?
@Dennis plays

2021-01-14 05:42:22 UTC  

Can you explain what you mean?

2021-01-14 05:44:08 UTC  

I know I'm really late on replying to this lol, but I agree. Nothing in government is going to change if we don't be the change.

2021-01-14 05:46:42 UTC  

Red for the larger/largest/auxiliary aircraft. Black is for the smaller to medium size aircraft like the c-130. This is just what I noticed in patterns and the line go through the states that follows the route

2021-01-14 05:48:52 UTC  

What do you think they're doin?

2021-01-14 05:50:34 UTC  

Again idk, some places might just be transporting basic equipment. It seems like there is movement from west coast to East

2021-01-14 05:51:20 UTC  

I’ve seen some of the photos from dc they have more men there than they have places to house them it appears.

2021-01-14 05:52:46 UTC  

If this is just for the inauguration it’s overkill and on top of that just mean. That many men just to have plenty lying on the floor of the capital building visitor center, it’s rough

2021-01-14 05:57:02 UTC  

I am hoping for something right now but I’m not sure as with many others, these are not normal times and we need to treat them as such. I’m attempting to locate good sources and attempt to see thing from different angles but whatever occurs we need to stick together to get through it

2021-01-14 06:00:46 UTC  

Its not just for inauguration bra, hows china going to feel if all theyre puppets get arrested for treason? Theyre gonna be pissed and there will be war, so i think we are getting prepared for civil and world unrest@Dennis plays

2021-01-14 06:01:16 UTC  

Pray for those men and woman god damn

2021-01-14 06:01:39 UTC  

I wouldn’t think their first step would be to invade Dc

2021-01-14 06:02:03 UTC  

Yep same. Scary thing to thing about, dont think it would happen though

2021-01-14 06:02:13 UTC  

Definetly will try though

2021-01-14 06:02:15 UTC  

But solid point, many of us think something is coming

2021-01-14 06:03:11 UTC  

Today has been one of the better days for people like Q but still nothing is proven only time will tell

2021-01-14 06:03:12 UTC  

*"Remember the phrases:
Freedom! Justice!
Silence is violence.
Hate Speech is violence.
Hate Thought is violence.
Hate is a disease.
Equal Outcome is Justice.
Hate is the Opposite of Freedom and Justice.
The Great Debt is Real.
You will now be taking the De-Isolation Test. Failure to complete will result in futher Isolation for protection of the Commune."*

2021-01-14 06:03:21 UTC  

Yeah bro i started to lose hope for like half a day then i realized that i really believe that no true patriot would strategically get into office change so much for the better, then just give into the communist party who obviously commited treason, i really dont see it at all.

2021-01-14 06:03:21 UTC  

It is the 22nd Century and Freedom Corp. has taken over every government in a continuing effort for Freedom and Justice as well as Equality and Inclusion. All Hate is banned an all must do their part to end the Great Debt. Mordecai-a prime example of a Free Mind-finds himself seeing the dark truths of the Freedom, Corp. Revolution after being being selected to be a Freedom Lover Candidate. Along the way, Timothy finds himself caught between an eternal war after his Aunt was captured by one of the Freedom Patrols.

System against system, there is no proof that any revolution actually stands for what it claims for except power. Mordecai must figure out whether or not he really believes in the Freedom Code. Timothy finds himself in a secret war that has immortalized itself.

Are you tired of Inequality and Injustice being perpetuated by the Advantaged? Freedom, Corp. will serve you.
Are you tired of having corrupt governments oppress the people? Freedom, Corp. will serve you.
Are you tried of not knowing how to stage a revolution against the current establishment? Freedom, Corp. will serve you.

Freedom Disclaimer
Freedom, Corp. does not tolerate any Hate or Injustice. Freedom, Corp. supports Equality for all. Freedom, Corp. takes steps to ensure that its promises of equality are met. If you have any complaints please refer to the Freedom Lovers. Feel free to report any hateful individual or cases of hate towards the Freedom Lovers. If you do not have any local Freedom Lovers, the Freedom Fighters of your friendly Freedom Faction are more than welcome to assist you."