Message from @Daisy The Good

Discord ID: 798603576083480688

2021-01-12 09:10:38 UTC  

So my mother sent me some total boomercon derpy site decorated with UFOs, but it did have a very recently uploaded video of note:
I'm going to go out on a limb and bet $5 this is part of backup for the emergency order that was declared for DC?

2021-01-12 09:11:51 UTC  

The title and trucker commentary makes it sound more nefarious, but any mil folks here to comment on this type of deployment? I'd say lingering to refuel at a truckstop and allowing some truckers to film is hardly clandestine as they make it out to be.

2021-01-12 11:53:28 UTC  
2021-01-12 12:45:46 UTC  

I can never get gab to load

2021-01-12 13:00:10 UTC  

honestly, and this delves into the more tinfoil hat realm, but what if Gab is bein hit with proxy bot users to prevent actual people from joining or using the platform?

2021-01-12 13:30:11 UTC  

They would probably say it on Twitter. Also, there is no need to think about too many hypothesis. Blocking Gab can also happen at the browser level, the DNS level, at the hosting level, Cloudflare could remove their HTTPS certificate, a law can be drawn specifically against websites with too little censorship, a rape accusation leveraged against the authors (reminds me of someone, I don't remember who).

Why worry about Gab, when it's like walking naked in middle of the battle pit?

2021-01-12 13:31:07 UTC  

assange is probly who you are thinking of

2021-01-12 13:34:32 UTC  

Assange's rape, the infamous on/off on/off accusation.

2021-01-12 14:03:40 UTC  

Not getting gab to load isn't news.

2021-01-12 14:07:59 UTC  

remember this is strictly news only channel, you can talk about your connection issues with gab in <#766007595881463879>

2021-01-12 15:31:15 UTC  

House is in recess upon the call of the chair. The only thing I found going on right now is a Senate Armed Services Hearing pretty much discussing the pros and cons of a military vs civilian aka (political appointee) ran military. So far they acknowledge that our military is partisan and they even brought up the "insurrection" stating several former military and one active were a part of it.

2021-01-12 15:34:03 UTC  

One thing I noticed under Obama was a heavily civilian based DoD. He purged record numbers of top generals from their positions and even weakened their authority within their roles. I have no doubt this Biden administration will do the same.

2021-01-12 15:34:35 UTC  

cant wait to go fight a war for biden

2021-01-12 15:34:49 UTC  


2021-01-12 17:13:17 UTC  

So... The Democrats calling for "unity" want to imprison, re-educate, and take the children of Conservatives.

2021-01-12 17:25:29 UTC  

Thats scary

2021-01-12 17:32:06 UTC  

Indeed. They are precisely what they accuse Trump of being: bigoted, hateful, intolerant, violent, oppressive, ignorant, arrogant, dishonest, and, of course, hypocritical.

2021-01-12 17:33:21 UTC  

I absolutely agree. These people should never be in power.

2021-01-12 18:05:16 UTC  

Trump is Hitler huh? I don't remember Trump talking about killing people, taking their children and putting them in re-education camps. DemocRATs are today's Nazi party, and anti-queefa is today's brownshirts.

2021-01-12 18:08:39 UTC  

history is written by the victors of wars...who was most victorious in wars in history..not the soldiers, not the nations ..but the msm was

2021-01-12 18:09:45 UTC  

basically saying who can publish the most bs to convince ppl to go to war for the wrong reasons are the most victorious because they get what they wanted

2021-01-12 21:32:55 UTC  

_We strongly condemn internet shutdowns – they are hugely harmful, violate basic human rights and the principles of the OpenInternet._

2021-01-12 21:33:24 UTC  

"The liberal cries out in pain as they strike you."

2021-01-12 21:54:43 UTC  

Florida governor takes steps to withdraw state funds from Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, and Google

2021-01-12 22:00:19 UTC  

Yeah I will believe this AFTER it happens. Not before. After all, People promise a lot to win quick favor, even if its never followed up.

2021-01-12 22:07:07 UTC  

the state was funding those corporations?

2021-01-12 22:09:06 UTC  

no i think perhaps the state was holding stock of said companies ??? not sure

2021-01-12 22:09:53 UTC  

stocks make the most sense to me.

2021-01-12 22:27:18 UTC  

You're not gonna question everything is posted here are you?

2021-01-12 22:30:36 UTC  

I'm gonna side with @Mercy with this one. We have been promised a lot of things and have seen a lot of things but nothing is ever delivered

2021-01-12 22:39:13 UTC  

@Son of Nerds this is a platform to share news .. no one can validate anything anymore

2021-01-12 22:39:32 UTC  

So quietly observe

2021-01-12 22:44:10 UTC  

thats true we have been fed a lot of bullshit over the past 2 months and nothing ever comes to fruition