Message from @WhiteCrow
Discord ID: 798219451408711761
BLM/Antifa won’t march on any streets in Wyoming. They tried once this summer. The ratio of gun owners to antifa was 3:1.
I have a question when kamala Harris said that protest need to happen with BLM after seeing all the violence wouldn't that be inciting violence along with chris Cuomo saying that the protest didn't need to be peaceful so he is inciting violence but he got no arrest or wasn't fired
Just checking
It’s crazy that they removed trump on Twitter for “violence” or some BS yet I heard that the hashtag “hangpence” was trending
C o g n i t i v e D i s s o n a n c e
Tis why they're always on the cusp of anxiety, their minds are constantly at odds with themselves
Those people don’t know the KKK belongs to the DemoKKKrats
Giovanni Gentile... (
This socialist created the ideology of fascism. Thanks to him, the Nazis appeared (stands for National Sociolists).
Better to know. In case you are called a Nazi or a fascist, you can safely say that you are not a sociolist.
Fascists are just people who were upset with socialism
Change my mind
But... fascist thought is the opposite of socialist thought...
Fascism is idealistic, socialism is materialistic
They were both socialists. During the Second World War, both communists and fascists were different branches of socialism. (Socialism of Marx vs. Socialism Gentile)
This is now there being opposed. But how can anti-socialists call themselves National Sociolists?
Oh hey, it's Styx
Are those videos real?!
This motherfucker... he ruined the childhood of a poor girl...
That makes me very angry...
Man Arrested Outside Capitol Black Lives Matter Supporter, Not Trump Supporter: Family
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It should he is a monster
Hunter Biden is a criminal, is a monster for what he did to the poor girl...
The fact that he forced the little girl to wear prostitute clothing is very worrying, to everyone who knows this. The “Big Guy” shouldn’t be President! Children will not be safe!
He can’t go around sniffing kids whenever he gets visitors! And, what’s worse, they may end up with Hunter Biden doing something horrific to them. But the Lying Media would never report this.
you hath stolen my meme, but it is fine because it belongs to the people ☭☭☭☭
Im sorry but it was so funny you get a gold star
thanks 🙂
U have to register ammo in dc?