Message from @Lloyd Owen

Discord ID: 796809984964952064

2021-01-07 17:08:51 UTC  

God bless us all Patriots through this evil darkness the dems and RINOs are, resistance is necessary in a peaceful way 🙏🇺🇸

2021-01-07 17:16:08 UTC  

Absolutely Koolguy. I believe that although they think they have won, and think that they have Conservatives and their values suppressed, this has in fact awakened America to the dangers of communism and immorality that has been stalking your nation for so many years. President Trump by contrast shone a light on their dirty deeds and paid the ultimate sacrifice for taking a stand for God, family, life and Faith. May God comfort him and all who are like-minded. This should strengthen your backbone. This darkness reminds me of when the Irish nation voted for abortion to be legalised for the first time in its existence. pro-lifers were devastated but in fact it stiffened our resolve to do more, provide more help, be more visible and to fight on. This is an opportunity to continue living up to the conservative values that President Trump espoused and by your actions prove the children of darkness wrong. Stay in the fight.🙏 💪 <:maga:786404255996706846>

2021-01-07 17:18:19 UTC  

I was surprised about the vote in Ireland, article 19 was it called?

2021-01-07 17:19:23 UTC  
2021-01-07 17:20:46 UTC  

the 8th amendment. was the original legal protection that gave equal protection to mother and unborn child. The abortion vote became the 36th amendment Stain on the constitution of a country that for 1,500 years was a leading light of Christianity. Soros' money paid for the pro-abortion sides' cost.

2021-01-07 17:21:47 UTC  

Pence is a traitor

2021-01-07 17:39:26 UTC  

Can I give a small new year's resolution to my American friends? Abortion in any country is the most manifest indication of satanic rule. Counteract this by doing something pro-life to help. Support your states/counties pro-life centres - fundraise money to support their efforts, donate baby clothes and items to support new mothers, stand outside an abortion clinic and support those pro-lifers who stand there day in day out. Until a country rids itself of abortion, there will be NO justice or peace within. America murder over 420,000 unborn children annually!!! Help finish what president Trump started to do - roll back abortion in the USA. Consign it to the history books just like Lincoln did with slavery

2021-01-07 17:43:53 UTC  

I feel like the silent majority now the fed up majorityđź‘Ť <:punish:786404356978114571>

2021-01-07 17:46:35 UTC  

But still THE MAJORITY Lloydđź’Ş

2021-01-07 17:53:26 UTC  

And even more empowered. With a grim determination. This week is like Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined. Trump has begun an American Renaissance

2021-01-07 17:57:44 UTC  

Trump did more for America than anyone in a hundred years. And in the process showed us how enslaved weve become

2021-01-07 18:01:11 UTC  


2021-01-07 18:01:49 UTC  

100% Lloyd. he will forever be remembered in the annals of American and world history and be beloved by God for his efforts

2021-01-07 18:03:33 UTC  

My local DNS (internet) is off line. Started this morning. First failure in 2 years. That's why I am using my cell phone, burning up data. Anyone else having internet problem?

2021-01-07 18:10:07 UTC  

CQ, CQ, CQ - Anyone on this frequently, please respond

2021-01-07 18:16:46 UTC  

@Clare P are you there?

2021-01-07 18:17:45 UTC  

Yes OG I'm here

2021-01-07 18:21:37 UTC  

I was starting to think that my cell phone wasn't working. LoL. I normally don't use it for the internet. Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean someone isn't out to get you. Lol

2021-01-07 18:33:12 UTC  

Statista reports the approval rating of Congress as 15%. And this same mob says we must accept a stolen election, and we cant do anything about media censorship , corruption in FBI. CIA and DOJ

2021-01-07 18:36:12 UTC  

Yes @Lloyd Owen Congress i a disgrace to the constitution, God bless what happened next with these tyrants

2021-01-07 18:38:24 UTC  

I feel prepared for anything <:trumpshades:787139692713476136> <:punish:786404356978114571> đź’Ş

2021-01-07 18:41:45 UTC  

Absolutely @Lloyd Owen America is awake now and millions of President Trump supporters should continue to hold peaceful rallies despite the communist dems and RINOs

2021-01-07 18:52:11 UTC  


2021-01-07 18:53:25 UTC  

@Phil Whitehead 🙏🇺🇸

2021-01-07 18:57:47 UTC  

Just made the first appeal 🤞🏽

2021-01-07 19:07:13 UTC  

Do you think it'll do any good?

2021-01-07 19:14:16 UTC  

I hope so

2021-01-07 19:14:41 UTC  

But this time I won’t quit appealing. Persistence can do wonders

2021-01-07 19:15:59 UTC  

They said that the trump supporter meetup the night before the big Save America March that we streamed was spreading misinformation about WHO and COVID 19. That 6-8 hour live stream had NOTHING to do with that. It was a general rally about support for our president. So we should win this.

2021-01-07 19:17:05 UTC  

What’s scary... they took down our video AND RSBN channels video. But guess what company they left up on YouTube...

2021-01-07 19:17:32 UTC  

So this exact video but a different angle they took down for us. Which shows why we should be reinstated

2021-01-07 19:17:34 UTC  

sure what the hell has that got to do with you/TMC? So you are now responsible for what strangers choose to do just by live streaming??? Utter nonsense

2021-01-07 19:17:44 UTC  

Amen Clare

2021-01-07 19:18:02 UTC  

It’s a live stream too, meaning we can’t edit out things after it’s done.

2021-01-07 19:18:34 UTC  

well they are just showing their prejudice then quite clearly. Commies

2021-01-07 19:19:42 UTC  

Yea it’s sad. After a month or two of persistent appeals we will keep viral culture for cool viral compilations and political live streams. BUT we will start a rumble account AND another YouTube account but obviously change the name. It’s crazy to think we have to tip toe to get around YouTube’s agenda

2021-01-07 19:19:56 UTC  

I’m actually in shock that Trumps Twitter is about to be deleted.

2021-01-07 19:20:19 UTC  

Soon they will take off EVERY conservative voice and have ONE WORLD AGENDA

2021-01-07 19:21:31 UTC  

I'm in a state of numb shock today as I'm sure all people are around the world. You would think that DJT is the devil incarnate by the media reporting today. Utterly despicable. That's what makes me not even want to be anywhere near Control Tube, Twitter or FB

2021-01-07 19:21:37 UTC