Message from @Acid

Discord ID: 797267842167734290

2021-01-09 00:54:48 UTC  

We need a list of free speech social media

2021-01-09 00:54:56 UTC  

Everybody: unless you’re using your camera on Instagram, go to settings and deny access to your contacts, camera, microphone, and location

2021-01-09 00:55:03 UTC  

Idc bout privacy

2021-01-09 00:55:10 UTC  

There is really nun online

2021-01-09 00:55:15 UTC  

Unless u use vpn

2021-01-09 00:55:20 UTC  

Do you think they are spying on us??

2021-01-09 00:55:28 UTC  

Second that

2021-01-09 00:55:33 UTC  


2021-01-09 00:55:39 UTC  

Bruh they been spying on Americans for decades so yes

2021-01-09 00:55:47 UTC  

Not even Parler?? Telegram??

2021-01-09 00:55:50 UTC  

They definitely are. They use it to make propaganda more effective.

2021-01-09 00:55:50 UTC  

i mean no quarter given so if they decide to pull up so be it

2021-01-09 00:55:54 UTC  

They enacted legislation to spy on us after 9/11

2021-01-09 00:56:04 UTC  

It’s also in their newest TOS

2021-01-09 00:56:08 UTC  

PATRIOT Act is a helluva drug

2021-01-09 00:56:18 UTC  
2021-01-09 00:56:50 UTC  

They are traitors. We need a very well organised plan

2021-01-09 00:57:14 UTC  

If anyone here wants to plan shit this is not the place

2021-01-09 00:57:26 UTC  

Wait why is telegram being deleted

2021-01-09 00:57:43 UTC  

Over here waiting for Red 2, lets roll. Hi y'all just joined

2021-01-09 00:57:46 UTC  

This is a public social media platform, if you are interested in higher crap you need to go else where

2021-01-09 00:57:56 UTC  

Should I deleted Facebook, insta, Twitter, & Snapchat?

2021-01-09 00:57:57 UTC  

Plan of action... which social media we use, how to communicate, how to organise the party

2021-01-09 00:58:00 UTC  

What’s going on lol

2021-01-09 00:58:09 UTC  

This voice chat is chaotic

2021-01-09 00:58:16 UTC  

This so unreal

2021-01-09 00:58:24 UTC  

From the sounds of it: switch to Parler, Gab, Telegram, Signal

2021-01-09 00:58:53 UTC  

This is unreal. Hopefully parler just complies so we can at least have one somewhat free place

2021-01-09 00:58:55 UTC  

Great.. thank

2021-01-09 00:58:59 UTC  

Is gab banned on Apple?

2021-01-09 00:59:16 UTC  


2021-01-09 00:59:22 UTC  

Well, what’s going on is censorship, suppression, and people are quickly taking away our freedom.

2021-01-09 00:59:27 UTC  

I can't find GAB on Google play

2021-01-09 00:59:34 UTC  

I've had signal for years

2021-01-09 00:59:44 UTC  

@Markichr how do you become a manager? I wanted to as well from earlier

2021-01-09 00:59:48 UTC  

If yall want. My insta: tovarishch.komandir.vlad
My parler: @foxtheta
My telegram: @niezniszczalny

2021-01-09 00:59:50 UTC  

It’s not on the App Store. Have to go to

2021-01-09 01:00:02 UTC  

oh ok thank you

2021-01-09 01:00:06 UTC  

It's a whole website lol

2021-01-09 01:00:14 UTC  

What do you mean a manager?

2021-01-09 01:00:16 UTC  

Of this?