Message from @Jack Hunter

Discord ID: 797561161620783124

2021-01-09 20:20:55 UTC  

Anarcho communist is contradictory

2021-01-09 20:21:01 UTC  

Anarchist communist vs. Anarchist capitalist

2021-01-09 20:21:04 UTC  

Anarcho-Communist and Anarcho-Capitalist

2021-01-09 20:21:29 UTC  

I don't care if someone is trans or gay or whatever, but dont make up non binary or panaromanticsexualbiologygayromamtic

2021-01-09 20:21:44 UTC  
2021-01-09 20:21:49 UTC  


2021-01-09 20:21:52 UTC  

He said it first

2021-01-09 20:21:57 UTC  

I did

2021-01-09 20:21:59 UTC  

yeah its literally just 500000 useless lables.

2021-01-09 20:22:01 UTC  

It makes real trans people look ridiculous.

2021-01-09 20:22:03 UTC  

Im not taking credit when he said it first

2021-01-09 20:22:05 UTC  


2021-01-09 20:22:24 UTC  

Id never ever lable myself besides a Swiss-American and a Patriot.

2021-01-09 20:22:29 UTC  

They say that there are infinite genders

2021-01-09 20:22:35 UTC  

Theres literally not.

2021-01-09 20:22:37 UTC  

Trans people exist, but as a freak abnormality. Not like these gender benders

2021-01-09 20:23:03 UTC  

Honestly, was anybody phased by the two or three asshole Neo Nazis that attended the Capitol march? Anyone?

2021-01-09 20:23:05 UTC  

There are only two genders.

2021-01-09 20:23:08 UTC  

That's why lgbtq is a home issue. If you have a thing fine but don't shove it into others faces when they don't care.

2021-01-09 20:23:14 UTC  

@daddy vladdy its rare youre right. Very rare. Most people who say theyre trans are just transtrenders.

2021-01-09 20:23:18 UTC  

People who believe that have an infinite amount of dumbass though

2021-01-09 20:23:30 UTC  

They want to feel special

2021-01-09 20:23:32 UTC  

Exactly dude! Finally, someone gets it.

2021-01-09 20:23:45 UTC  

yo I used to think I was trans tbh, but I was 100% wrong

2021-01-09 20:23:47 UTC  

Tbh most gays and trans are normal people who dont identify with their "lable"

2021-01-09 20:23:54 UTC  

They are Medically Special, those damn dumb disabled fucks

2021-01-09 20:24:07 UTC  

Aka gender benders. 100% for clout

2021-01-09 20:24:09 UTC  

Convincing kids that that shit exists

2021-01-09 20:24:12 UTC  

I am trans but I don't make it my whole personality because it's just a small fact about me.

2021-01-09 20:24:13 UTC  

Bout to hit 70k!!!

2021-01-09 20:24:21 UTC  


2021-01-09 20:24:23 UTC  

@Wrenaissance see? imagine if you had hormone blockers or went through HRT. You probably wouldve became depressed and killed yourself, **which is more common than people want to believe**

2021-01-09 20:24:29 UTC  

Avatar The Last GenderBender

2021-01-09 20:24:38 UTC

2021-01-09 20:24:43 UTC  

Its sad to see a child be brainwashed into thinking they cannot be cis or straight. Leave. Children. ALONE.

2021-01-09 20:24:50 UTC  

Male, Female, Trans, Non binary

2021-01-09 20:24:52 UTC  

@Jack Hunter id watch that xD

2021-01-09 20:24:57 UTC  


2021-01-09 20:24:57 UTC  

I like chickens

2021-01-09 20:25:06 UTC  

Long ago, The Four Nations lived together in harmony

2021-01-09 20:25:11 UTC