Message from @sniperseany
Discord ID: 797742066486476829
we want the discord memebers to be respectful to another we dont want this to be a toxic waste land we want this to represent our party.
But jokes are jokes.
glad that this isn't just your mom jokes
I understand that but the first order of business looks like restricting what you can say
Censorship is everywhere
I started hearing about a meme where it was like amen awoman please tell me this wasn't an actual thing someone said
Really b ur own ppl
We can't even react to messages now.
Now y’all see his trump got banned?
yo @Euan do you like Floppa?
Why am I muted?
@Euan could you also make all of the Insta logos the same color so we look more professional, sorry I’m a marketing major and it’s killing me
@Krakistophales i see your point of veiw but we want to not make a bad name in being offensive and what not till our name is already smeared
Yep it was the congress if I’m correct
tbf who gives a fuck what people think? This lukewarm approach at being PC is what got the GOP in trouble in the first place
@mjwg22 i dont own all the accounts i didnt even make the logo someone made it for me and gifted it to me
I kept saying naughty words to test it for others.
wow, a brave sacrifice
Ahhhh I gotcha, makes sense now
I'll fucking do it again.
C u n t
hey ben for that your in the millitary
I understand you might be striving to make a legit organization but at some point the buck has to stop
oh it doiesnt do it for me
time to get sent to Syria and not come back
Fuck me.
daddy trump told you
it would be in orlando florida
Would y’all give Trump neck if he asked?