Message from @Austin W.

Discord ID: 798058040908841020

2021-01-11 05:16:15 UTC  

Thats what I'm saying he ain't Christian

2021-01-11 05:16:17 UTC  

@Romulus you dont know anything about my values..

2021-01-11 05:16:22 UTC  


2021-01-11 05:16:27 UTC  

guys guys imo Conservatism should be not politically correct, pro-life, Anti affirmative action, pro equal opportunities regardless of religion or race (colorblind)

2021-01-11 05:16:30 UTC  

I think there is a serious reason to vote conservative if you’re a Christian, and I don’t necessarily think that the value systems of conservatism are inherently right or wrong without the moral authority of a religion to define right and wrong, but I love the fact that anyone can vote conservative regardless of religion or background, because it essentially counters liberalism’s identity politics

2021-01-11 05:16:34 UTC  

Anybody disagree with my definition?

2021-01-11 05:16:35 UTC  

You guys wanna hear something?

2021-01-11 05:16:40 UTC  

Romulus is a troll.

2021-01-11 05:16:50 UTC  

Yeah lol

2021-01-11 05:16:51 UTC  

Romulus has been banned

2021-01-11 05:16:55 UTC  

Ah I see

2021-01-11 05:16:55 UTC  

Where's your bro Remus?

2021-01-11 05:16:58 UTC  


2021-01-11 05:17:03 UTC  

What !?

2021-01-11 05:17:16 UTC  

oh he left/was removed.

2021-01-11 05:17:27 UTC  

Romulus and Remus, what a Roman classic eh?

2021-01-11 05:17:30 UTC  

He was basically a fascist lmao

2021-01-11 05:17:31 UTC  

i mean he did sound pretty nutty about being christian

2021-01-11 05:17:35 UTC  

and we say bye bye

2021-01-11 05:17:38 UTC  

he didnt see that.

2021-01-11 05:17:44 UTC  

And I'm not using the liberal definition

2021-01-11 05:17:46 UTC  

Bro as a centrist

2021-01-11 05:17:47 UTC  

i said that to him and he was confused.

2021-01-11 05:18:11 UTC  

Most of us here seem to be Moderate/Centrist from what ive gathered

2021-01-11 05:18:15 UTC  

The guy was a Puritan from the colonial times.

2021-01-11 05:18:18 UTC  

It annoys me when liberals call conservatives fascists and conservatives call liberals communists

2021-01-11 05:18:26 UTC  

We need to use accurate descriptive terms

2021-01-11 05:18:45 UTC  

Nine times out of ten, liberals are self-proclaimed commies.

2021-01-11 05:18:49 UTC  

when liberals talk about forced vaccines, bottom surgeries, 300000 pronouns that they want to force me to use, etc they are actually commies

2021-01-11 05:18:56 UTC  

@Benny J exactly

2021-01-11 05:19:06 UTC  

Mm there's a very blurry line between liberals and demsocs

2021-01-11 05:19:07 UTC  


2021-01-11 05:19:08 UTC  

That is true

2021-01-11 05:19:20 UTC  

Paying for a surgery? who cares about that. Doesnt affect me lol

2021-01-11 05:19:24 UTC  

Imagine Marx seeing his legacy now lol...

2021-01-11 05:19:28 UTC  

Liberals have adopted what was bottom of the spectrum to commie neck beards

2021-01-11 05:19:30 UTC  

Because liberals pander to Social Justice while pushing neoliberalism

2021-01-11 05:19:41 UTC  

Wait, what is this referring to?

2021-01-11 05:19:45 UTC  

so you like taxation without representation? you know the founders fought a war over that right?

2021-01-11 05:19:56 UTC  

Someone said bottom, as in trans@Benny J

2021-01-11 05:20:04 UTC  

@Krakistophales they can use their own money bud.