Message from @Cman
Discord ID: 798012425907077151
They could have easily arrested the anti pope
i love the current pope
wanna know why
I don’t even know your name
you love niggers?
So idc
cuz its another reason to make catholics upset <:kek:778800172594364456>
That would make you Catholic for liking him
shit youre right
i take it back
Low iq Protestant as always
this one literally debunks what youre saying
dude the only denomination worth a targeted subversion is subverted catholics btfo
you're going to hell
Yea I looked her up and she was a lesbian before “finding god”
Vatican 2 plant
if he really was arrested we'll find out
kinda pog if true but i doubt it
"Pope? More like nope."
Something is going on
what da
i know dudes who pull mad pucci now that they're 'father figures'
tbh it's horrible but it is what it is my mood rn
I am playing Total War: Atilla rn. And the funny thing is there is a province in the game called "Hyperborea" and I am playing as a slavic tribe that starts there.
Damn that’s based