Message from @Cman
Discord ID: 798062985124904961
Autistic people will not reproduce due to their shit social skills
Look at this retard
hes libertarian also
and atheist
CNN reports "Old Lady Poops Hahahahahahahahahahahaha check it out"
Like most people still worshipping trump
Ye i remember when he got called out for being into loli
I hate him and Styx
And a bunch of dumb e drama went on over it
Styx is the worse libertarian, spreads disinformation, told people that he wouldn’t vote for trump if he used hard power on blm, moved to the Netherlands before shit hit the fan
There was a video of Styx when he used to comment on some 15 year old goth girls YouTube
All libertarians fuck kids
I remember E. Michael Jones and Styx had a debate
Coward ran lol
And Franssen did an analysis of it
It was pretty good
You do realize mr.obvious is styx but fatter and gayer
@Repose you do know Styx has google alerts on right? If you post a video with his name, he sees it. He flagged every channel that uploaded the video of him talking to a underage girl
I dont even know who styx is
You said e Michael ran away
Meaning you saw the debate
I meant the guy who left to netherlands
You sure
hes cringe
Mega cringe and a pedo
I don't think trump was playing 4d chess i think hes genuinely retarded
Also is any of this about EMJ have truth to it about him being communistic? He says that poland has a russia-phobia issue
No I wouldnt think so from what I've watched
He was talking about EMJ
But I wouldnt call him a heavy capitalist
Yeah I know
The Styx fan boy has shown his hand
I would say E Michael Jones, if he had a preferred economic system, communism wouldnt be on there
“EMJ doesn’t want me to watch,trans porn. He’s a commie”