Message from @dimidarn

Discord ID: 798090949505974292

2021-01-11 07:24:53 UTC  

Compared to ours

2021-01-11 07:25:08 UTC  

Christianity is the way

2021-01-11 07:25:18 UTC  

I disagree. I have my reasons and we can discuss but I hate the Pope. I don’t hate catholosism and i think all Protestant and non denominational can be redeemed. They just celebrate and act different. I don’t think I need a priest to pray for me. And I think that priests and popes think they are superior. I’m non denominational. I don’t think that Catholics believe that the pope is better than them. Maybe they do but I don’t think they are bad or anything. I just don’t agree. I think they twist it a little bit.

2021-01-11 07:25:31 UTC  

There version of CIA goes around killing people a lot who don’t like them and we say there are ally but Australia is a way better ally Israel we send money to support I don’t know why

2021-01-11 07:26:25 UTC  

Were russian old believers, there arnt to many of us since the ussr thing

2021-01-11 07:26:38 UTC  

I don’t mean things like that. Just beliefs in Islamic religion is ok. Just not those laws. They don’t always just go back to Islam. I don’t have a problem with the religion but I think the laws are dumb as fuck and are bad.

2021-01-11 07:26:58 UTC  

Eastern Orthodox is catholic right?

2021-01-11 07:27:06 UTC  


2021-01-11 07:27:12 UTC  

Think so ish

2021-01-11 07:27:28 UTC  

Same base religion, they separated a thousand years ago though

2021-01-11 07:27:34 UTC  

I just don’t like having a priest or pope. I like having normal people who preach but think they are on the same level as everyone else. The pope is corrupt.

2021-01-11 07:27:49 UTC  

So a lot of things have changed in both

2021-01-11 07:27:56 UTC  

May not be quite that long lol

2021-01-11 07:27:57 UTC  

VICE video about the capitol protest, these comments are retarded

2021-01-11 07:28:00 UTC  

I do think that Islam is more corrupt than Christianity or Jew but I still think it’s good.

2021-01-11 07:28:01 UTC  

We never had a pope since the ussr thing also, we have no leader really

2021-01-11 07:28:05 UTC  

off topic but still

2021-01-11 07:28:07 UTC  

vice is retarded as fuck

2021-01-11 07:28:10 UTC  

Usually is the case, but think we all need a leader or someone to guide

2021-01-11 07:28:24 UTC  

Every news network is

2021-01-11 07:28:30 UTC  

I've known some great priests.

2021-01-11 07:28:53 UTC  

And.. ive known some that im certain got into the church for the wrong reason

2021-01-11 07:29:15 UTC  

Yeah. But religiously we are all on the same level. They portray the pope as someone special. What does he even do. He also is just a commie. And I don’t promote gay marriage religiously. The pope does. And I have had bad experiences with popes. Not saying they are all bad tho.

2021-01-11 07:29:19 UTC  

One of the best priests I know personally is studying at notre dame in France

2021-01-11 07:29:24 UTC  

Ehh, most of ours are super strict about speaking russian, well sorry pall that was lost

2021-01-11 07:29:26 UTC  

I may no longer be catholic, but I generally have respect for the church. Not fond of the last 2 popes though

2021-01-11 07:29:31 UTC  

I have my own experience that makes me believe at a young age

2021-01-11 07:29:40 UTC  

I saw one comment saying "they're chanting USA USA and destroying the capitol. Sooo patriotic." well, they mean USA as in protecting the constitution. If anything that's patriotic to me. Better than antifa and blm wanting to burn america to the ground.

2021-01-11 07:30:05 UTC  

The role is just a church leader, his policies are kinda wacky

2021-01-11 07:30:22 UTC  

Many popes are bad. They give them to much power and arrogance. No one likes Francois

2021-01-11 07:30:34 UTC  

Trump supporters protest like twice and get put in a nutshell as "idiots" or "stupid", nobody is talking about BLM or Antifa

2021-01-11 07:30:51 UTC  

The one before him was a literal nazi. The one before that was beloved though

2021-01-11 07:30:53 UTC  

the double standards hurt my soul with the left

2021-01-11 07:31:04 UTC  

I get that. I don’t hate the church. But I think that my church is just more reliable and true. I still think that the Catholics can be redeemed just like me. All are right religions.

2021-01-11 07:31:28 UTC  

The left makes me question my religion. I only have one thing that keeps me on track but still. It hurts.

2021-01-11 07:32:10 UTC  

The left is wack. And they don’t care about people that don’t benefit them

2021-01-11 07:32:17 UTC  

Fuck them

2021-01-11 07:32:26 UTC  

I think that Christians as a whole should accept gay people, but keep the marriage thing intact

2021-01-11 07:32:52 UTC  

Good early morning everyone

2021-01-11 07:32:56 UTC  

I do except gay people. I also think it’s against religion. But I don’t hate gay people and society should except them.

2021-01-11 07:32:58 UTC  

now that Trumps out of office, they have nobody to blame. Sucks for them