Message from @Ivar The Boneless

Discord ID: 798656964888363068

2021-01-12 20:55:02 UTC  

Let’s make em fucking pay for this

2021-01-12 20:55:13 UTC  

I know Rand Paul is against sending aid to Israel, as are many conservatives, but the rule usually means sending aid to all foreign countries in general. Doesn’t make them anti semites

2021-01-12 20:55:39 UTC  

In what sense?

2021-01-12 20:55:49 UTC  

Unless we declare martial law over the United States and instate a authoritarian Government to rid of the pests there is nothing we can do

2021-01-12 20:56:01 UTC  

Which is horrible

2021-01-12 20:56:02 UTC  

But I’m against doing this

2021-01-12 20:56:13 UTC  

How did the government get this corrupt?

2021-01-12 20:56:14 UTC  

As it’s not the American way

2021-01-12 20:56:16 UTC  

Because we have principles lol

2021-01-12 20:56:30 UTC  

Unlike our friends on the other side

2021-01-12 20:56:32 UTC  

They will win every single election now

2021-01-12 20:56:35 UTC  

Cuz fraud

2021-01-12 20:56:35 UTC  

Israel is the only “free” democracy in the Middle East by most standards, so in that case I think the American and Israeli alliance is mutually beneficial

2021-01-12 20:57:06 UTC  

How am I supposed to trust a system that was never investigated. Half the country is questioning it. The ruling class doesn’t care

2021-01-12 20:57:09 UTC  

Israel > USA

2021-01-12 20:57:20 UTC  

If patriots roll over on their back for this election to go uncontested, we will never again have a free election in the United States.

2021-01-12 20:57:20 UTC  

I’m also convinced that joe will get us nuked

2021-01-12 20:57:23 UTC  

The only way I see a good outcome is if the American people rise up and do what we saw in the capital,

2021-01-12 20:57:28 UTC  

He’s such a push over

2021-01-12 20:57:37 UTC  

I'd say it started with Clinton and spread like wildfire with Obama.

2021-01-12 20:57:38 UTC  

Hell no😂 Israel’s way too socialist for my tastes

2021-01-12 20:57:38 UTC  

Freedom isn’t free

2021-01-12 20:57:45 UTC  

NOKO already said they would lol

2021-01-12 20:57:47 UTC  

Blood must be paid

2021-01-12 20:57:48 UTC  

I think its great Israel has possession over the Holy land rather than those Palestinians

2021-01-12 20:58:08 UTC  

Palestine doesn’t exist

2021-01-12 20:58:16 UTC  

The Palestinians are nothing short of dark age Islamic barbarians.

2021-01-12 20:58:16 UTC  

I remember when the media ran interference for the Palestinians

2021-01-12 20:58:30 UTC  

Enough of us need to say fuck u to the government to overrun this

2021-01-12 20:58:34 UTC  

They use kids and women as weapons

2021-01-12 20:58:36 UTC  

But good guys do nothing

2021-01-12 20:58:50 UTC  


2021-01-12 20:58:52 UTC  

The Jewish people attempted to give the Palestinians a place of their own 5 separate times

2021-01-12 20:58:53 UTC  

Yup. They’re absolutely terrible.

2021-01-12 20:59:00 UTC  


2021-01-12 20:59:01 UTC  

Well Big Tech is trying hard to keep us quiet.

2021-01-12 20:59:04 UTC  

Which was a mistake in the long run

2021-01-12 20:59:06 UTC  


2021-01-12 20:59:15 UTC  

When push comes to shove, the government will learn the might of the people

2021-01-12 20:59:16 UTC  

Let's be honest yall, we are gonna be in Nuclear War

2021-01-12 20:59:24 UTC  

It’s not gonna be Merica! Much longer