Message from @GodEmperorGillan
Discord ID: 745851313421680668
Black lives matter and white ones don’t in modern America
A rope would have deterred them from committing crimes like this
Got kicked from another server cause I made fun of Taylor swift being political
This still the anti sjw fb ppl?
everyone downvote this trash
almost every website about it is banned in germany
no i don't be i'll keep my eye out for one if i see one. every pic of this image i've seen is the same quality. it seems like every video from that night was shot from a potato quality phone.
danone are you on telegram? you might find one on there or anything else you're looking for on there (telegram app). hope that's not banned in germany, too 🙄
@eleanor rigby thank you, i will check out telegram :)
seems like its not banned, and many right side people here changed to that platform
np. good luck. and like i said before, that pic is what we all have seen, too. not the best quality photo.