Message from @gauravtee

Discord ID: 561606715062091776

2019-03-30 17:44:35 UTC  

Beginner's guide to this server

Let’s start with bots. What are Discord bots? Bots provide certain features and tools that enhance the user experience and make the community a more fun place. We have a couple of bots on our server that you can use.

For instance, **Poll Bot** is a bot that will allow you to make polls. Cool, right?

Try it out by making a poll in the <#550427533880066078> channel. Simply type **poll: {title} [Option 1] [Option 2]** and hit enter. Needless to say, replace the **title** and the **options** with whatever is required for your poll. You can add as many options as you want. If you still need help, type **+help**.

Another bot, **MEE6**, gives you xp points based on your activity level on the server. The more you engage, the more points you get, the more you level up, the higher role you attain.

Role, you say? What are roles? Well, roles are simply our way of classifying each other in a funny way, really. All new users are assigned the role "Snowflake" upon joining. You obtain a new role by leveling up, which, as you already know, is determined by how much you engage on the server. So it’s sort of a hierarchy. The higher your role, the more permissions you may get, the more perks you may unlock, but most importantly, the more street cred and bragging rights you will have. Below are the 10 roles in order of rank.

💀Basement Dweller
🤓Soyboy Edgelord
🤯Woke MF
🤡Professional Troll
💩Ranked Shitposter
👽Dank Memester
🐸Proud Kekistani
🤖Supreme Being
🧠Cerebral Elite

2019-03-30 17:45:04 UTC  

This leaderboard feature costs $50 a year, so best believe we aint playin around here. To check your rank, type !rank in any channel. To check the leaderboard, type !levels. Both these commands will be answered by a DM you will receive from the M336 bot. If you still need help, type !help.

If you still need tech support with Discord, feel free to drop a message in the <#551356199929380894> channel and someone will surely help you out immediately.

Have fun!