Message from @Mason
Discord ID: 771440556441075804
Ikr lol
LOL... yep!
Ant is my LEAST favorite. I HATE the little buggers! LOL
I lived in Corona where the 15 and 91 freeway connect
I have not seen hide nor hair of my team since the day before yesterday sadly...
Hopefully they will show up
I wish thee good luck ._.=•
@q17_shadow u lived in Corona
Correct @Mason
That’s werid
Considering the pandemic
LOL... Oh yes. I do suck! LMAO
How does one quit after becoming a ghost??
U leave it’s a rule
How do you leave... LOL
Escape key??
I live in Arizona now ._. I moved from corona 2 years ago Thank God
By Bryson him self just leave match
Ya leave ._.
Go back to hub
does anyone wanna join my team we only have 3
I got it... thanks 🙂
Ok I forgot the name lol. I’ve been up since 5am. I’m currently at work ._.
LOL... no worries! Thanks!
Oh sorry
Don’t worry about it mason 👍🏻👍🏻 lol
When you work with conservatives & they put the rally on so we can watch 🤣
I was at rally last Monday it was amazing *-*
Yeah... LOVE rallies!!
They're a lot of fun to go to, I've been to 3
I’ve been to 2 out here •-• downside 2nd one I had to stand but couldn’t see our dear president very well do to be a short guy ._. lol
I've been to one Trump rally and 3 WalkAway rallies
I wanted to go to the one in Fayetteville but I don't get off until 6 😓
I love that 😂🤣😂🤣
Rip 😖😖 @stoneytoney
How are u gunna keep track of the points
We have to take our own