Message from @Matthew_30
Discord ID: 789767441089560587
God i love chris morris no homo
literally the only based british man ever
i think Beardson is gonna be on w Jaden
@PCENGINEDUO ireland isnt it in great britain
ireland belongs to england
so does germany
anyone have jadens discord?
I'm trying to play the violin
i dont see it in his description
Unmute me
he doesnt read the chat
@Matthew_30 u have a gf?
wtf who is @Matthew_30
thats my old twitter
not gonna get that handle back i guess
Bruh how do I get back on Jaden's discoed
I got kicked for no reason
Jaden was talking about a lot of people getting kicked for no reason, but still didnt give out the link
i forgot this was going on
jaden server
thnx brotha
@Defaultâ„¢ why do you sound like a homosexual
those pesky irish
*squints* Moses Lulendo
damn irish people causing mayhem again!!
Moses O Lulendo
I know a black guy called Moses
Maises O Laighlendo