Message from @Sam Hyde
Discord ID: 789905638003441675
in texas also
makes zero sense
>your ideological sphere was gutted and replaced to its core 80 years ago as modernization of cybernetics practice and so yuropoor construction workers would stop firebombing DoJ members' houses during a global wartime the country was trying to profiteer in
>"let me tell you about why the CIA is bad"
@Sam Hyde @gamerlord historically Irish dissident groups have gotten heavy support from America
Fenian Brotherhood, IRA, etc
i dont care
Your best hope, and honestly the best hope for the rest of the West, is that AF succeeds
No it isn't
and your retarded
the ira are america hating marxists
Yet plastic patties gave them millions
A future Irish version of AF will be able to get support and advice from AF
Ireland First haha
yes 'america first' which has been repeatedly emphasised as practically isolationist
would help ireland
why would they help us
it literally does 0
for them
on top of that most irish people dont even like america
including irish nationalists who aren't cucked
Nick and others have emphasised they don't care about the world around them
they care about america
and more power to them
our problem is not theirs
as much as i would appreciate it
it's not gonna happen
and we shouldn't place our bets on it
Even if AF does succeed this will be years in the future
Ireland is only trending towards leftism
not the other way round
0 iq take
Also you spelt paddies wrong
also why would america fund the ira against their own allies in britain
I'm losing iq points just thinking about how retarded this is