Message from @Xychotic

Discord ID: 561793236809547806

2019-03-31 04:10:38 UTC  

I never have a problem sleeping, sometimes it's at 4pm is all

2019-03-31 04:13:17 UTC  

Tea works wonders for sleep troubles.

2019-03-31 04:18:21 UTC  

I had insomnia as a reaction to sutafed

2019-03-31 04:18:27 UTC  

That shit sucked

2019-03-31 04:54:40 UTC  

I suggest you do, unless you want to turn into a Looney Tune. @Reiatsu

2019-03-31 04:57:22 UTC  

sudafed is the best anti congestion.

2019-03-31 04:57:47 UTC  

But only the real pseudoephedrine, not that crappy phenylephrine. The phenylephrine doesn't even work.

2019-03-31 05:18:41 UTC  

conjested? just eat spicy food

2019-03-31 05:18:44 UTC  

workds every time

2019-03-31 05:25:21 UTC  

go to bed

2019-03-31 05:28:45 UTC  

They aren't wrong, considering modern society.

2019-03-31 05:32:49 UTC  

I'd largely agree with them

2019-03-31 05:38:34 UTC  

*yay degeneracy of the human race cause some faggots decided they wanted money and power 100 years ago*

2019-03-31 05:45:24 UTC  

Wonderful world we live in, right?

2019-03-31 05:46:11 UTC  

Oh yes lovely

2019-03-31 05:58:27 UTC  

One small decision can change everything.

2019-03-31 06:04:04 UTC  

Dude, I keep forgetting you're still in highschool or whatever.

2019-03-31 06:04:57 UTC

2019-03-31 06:05:08 UTC  

I know, right?!

2019-03-31 06:05:25 UTC  

I try to hang with the 20 something engineers and that's exactly how I feel.

2019-03-31 06:05:45 UTC  

But also around the 30 somethings... 40 somethings... ...

2019-03-31 06:05:50 UTC  

I feel like an outsider all the time.

2019-03-31 06:07:16 UTC  


2019-03-31 06:07:51 UTC  

I think feeling like a outsider is natural

2019-03-31 06:07:52 UTC  

You just need a cool side braid

2019-03-31 06:08:10 UTC  

Especially the more you self actualize

2019-03-31 06:09:18 UTC  
2019-03-31 06:10:49 UTC  

What is the definition of a hermit

2019-03-31 06:12:14 UTC  

Going to go with someone living alone

2019-03-31 06:12:18 UTC  

What do I win

2019-03-31 06:13:04 UTC  


2019-03-31 06:14:09 UTC  

I think it’s someone who chooses to leave behind society and live by him/herself

2019-03-31 06:14:43 UTC  

What are some of your guys’ favorite books?

2019-03-31 06:16:52 UTC  

A person who disconnects

2019-03-31 06:17:10 UTC  

For what purpose?

2019-03-31 06:17:35 UTC  

I like the edge chronicles cuz it's got sky pirates <:tard:480186130105630730>

2019-03-31 06:18:27 UTC  

And ordinary men

2019-03-31 06:18:32 UTC  

That's a goody

2019-03-31 06:23:26 UTC  

Mine is still LOTR

2019-03-31 06:24:02 UTC  

12 Angry Men

2019-03-31 06:24:03 UTC  

Never actually read lotr, it's on the shelf