Message from @PCENGINEDUO
Discord ID: 793160632924635197
us laughing at you
its a reference retard
don't care didn't ask faggot
to martin luther's speech at the diet of worms
🤮 🤮 🤮
How bout you go Martin Luthgo some get some hoes
bitch ass nigga
kinda funny doe
i loved that song when i was like 10
can't say the same for you @RitterPetrus
me patrolling Wittenberg circa October 1517 to stop Fartin Loser from nailing his shopping list to the front door of the All Saints Church
balding man, woman. and a black
yeah sounds like you guys
good one
we get it you're a plant now go
send someone better at this
can I be the black
this is 2015 shit cmon
step it up
what did i even do to piss you retards off
feds aren't sending their best
You just hate to see it
being gay
cus ur gay and retarded
having gay sex
being retarded and gay