Message from @Hobo
Discord ID: 795812078405025835
thats not what i mean
So u be sayin dat duh antisemitismz wuz just a bit?
no you fucking retard
I mean everything I have said or done was ironic
and never serious
so when you report your file to the fbi
that will be noted
Ok bet
My love for Israel has always been authentic.
make sure your handler knows
I’m on a solo mission rn
U guys haven’t been much of a priority ever since Shawn left the show
nigga you need to go on a solo mission to get some bitches
I’ve been getting bitches nigga
Starting with your mom
I am also in the fbi
tiberius only fed i like
let me review your case book for a second
does it say im 6'2
hi fellow fbi members good to be back at the branch office
yeah I already apologised for waco and they just let me in
pretty sure my book says im based.
it says ur bald
I'm just le troll
Big block bold letters in the middle of ur file
they stamped it across the sheet
Bald but I still get more bitches than you hoes.
nigga you ol denough to be my dad
ain't no greatness in dat