Message from @Emily ♡
Discord ID: 792625955998662666
Same. Especially if I paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to get my job in the first place. It’s understandable
I am at that point where I dont care. I will say the message and provide the facts, and is all i can do right now.
NOPE! Thats not how it works
Health care first and foremost is a business and is treated that way by most doctors. They do what is most profitable for the practice.
Because that doesnt mean shit in what they are providing for us. It is cases vs death. What does antibody mean?
Much like space, Covid is fake and gay.
It truly is. All fields are. The birthing industry is a business, GP’s, pharmacy, everything
I agree cause how do we know that most of the “positive” test results weren’t inaccurate
Ohhhh ok
The deaths are being coded as Covid for billing purposes
So the numbers are skewed
And people with flu are testing positive for covid
I agree
Anitbody means that those people were exposed to the virus and have antibodies. which means they would be considered "cases". So I do not understand how that is relevant, that would just decrease the fatality rate of the virus.
1.5 deaths in a world of 9 billion people? That’s pennies. 94% of the deaths had AT LEAST * 2-3 preexisting conditions. Meaning the other 6% could have had at least 1. A VAST majority of the deaths are 70+. The flu is down 91%, pneumonia literally does not exist anymore. There’s false positives, aSyMptoMaTiC people lol. Imagine a virus so deadly you had to get tested to know you have it? The tests contribute to the positive numbers which all contribute to the NWO. Covid isn’t even a real virus it’s a collection of sicknesses labelled as such to push the totalitarian technocratic globalist communist agenda, change my mind.
Agree with the last sentence especially TYE
Pre-covid Imagine going to a doctor with no symptoms at all and telling them you think you have a sickness. They’d laugh
It’s rebranded flu/pneumonia
For an agenda
Literally you can test positive at any time that’s the way the PCR tests are designed
so someone needs to be tested to know that they have the virus, even if they feel healthy🧐
Whether your sick or not
voice chat is lit!!
thats not science
Science is fake and gay
Scientism is
The most fake and gay lol
@Jay🎀 how much have you read about pcr testing?
We lived in free market capitalism and a bunch of dip shits attracted to flashing lights are ruining that.
what is the definition of asymptomatic?
And they’ll never understand that.
Not sick
The fuck you wanna go study rocks for ? Or what?
then im sure you would agree that a positive test does not mean a confirmed case?