Message from @caliireddpill
Discord ID: 792710243834527754
That’s awesome! Trump has seemed more chill in the past month than in the past 4 years for sure.
What do you guys think will happen on the 6th?? I’m not in a spot where I can just drop everything and go...hopefully it’s not like the only way off this planet or something. 😂
the only thing for sure about 1/6 is that the mainstream media will be extremely dishonest about the whole thing and make trump supporters out to be villains
anybody knows anyone who took vaccine?
nobody i know, just on the media news and online
Vax News
and why are they vaccinating ppl 80+, bitch you gonna die tomorrow covid or not covid
fauci got his shot in front of a crowd, they applauded and he bowed, weirdest thing ive ever seen
you mean vitamin c shot
Pipe and he got “vaccinated” on his left arm but post shot, he mentioned his Right arm was sore lol
that's apparently because Zoom inverts picture for video calls
or we are in an upside down world
Waiting on vaccine companies & gov use and pay famous online "influencers": youtubers & instagrammers, tiktokers etc to take the shot on video and show it off to their millions of follows, so they can want to take it too and it's safe /s
Budjola have u heard evil & satan runs the world, and they invert so many things in life
dude that's my whole spiel
like when companies say fluoride is good for teeth. biggest lie ever
it's poison and effects your pineal gland
and government puts fluoride in the water when people drink it, dumbing them down, and harming the pineal gland
yeah and if you swallow toothpaste call emergency asap, like wtf
and Zyklon B is also good if used properly
There are signs of evil everywhere. Example: when they resurrected a replica copy of arch of baal, palmyra. In big cities like london, new york city, washington dc, etc. Very dark and sinister vibes.
speaking of evil and weird signs, no need to look any further than this years Vatican nativity scene
i dont understand it and it's bizarre
Melinda Gates, Beetles, Clinton family all seen wearing an inverted upside down cross, they're satanic
(dont mind what is written it's in Croatian) but this is how you get vaccinated in croatia, police in full force is securing the scene.
satanic pedophiles run the world
Melinda Gates just evidently looks like she was/is a man.
ha and Michael obama
Bill would fuck anything!! Really hope the Maxwell sings like a bird and brings the whole thing down
Been waiting for jizz stain to circle back ....
It’s bizarre cuz satanic ain’t normal