Message from @Tj_Redpill
Discord ID: 792664744313356299
Dad bods are BAD ASS!
Haven't seen it. But between October-April Dad Bods are acceptable!
Happy happy happy birthday to the priest of the group our reverend Lobster!!!!!! @Rock N Roll Lobster
cUtTinG SeaSon BrO
@Rock N Roll Lobster you dont need cutting season to be more than a month unless you;re a fat ass
Any conspiracy thoughts?
Greetings from TN. I think that there was a cyberattack on the air defense systems and this was an attack on our communication infrastructure. We have barely had any cell service or wifi since regardless of carrier.
Any info on the Air Force Cyber Attack?
Nothing except Lin Wood tweeted about it.
I have a video but discord won’t let me share it. It’s a slow motion angle of the blast and it comes from the opposite side of the street as the RV.
Were there gun shots at the RV blast?
thanks bud
I’ve not heard gunshots. Only rumors that there were gunshots. The evacuation recording could have been dispersed by the city to try and mitigate casualties. In other words they knew an attack was imminent but couldn’t do anything about it because the cyberattack disabled our defenses. (My theory)
How do we know it is cock lobster Bday?
Gunshots are just the excuse for the law enforcement presence at the scene. Even my father (who is about to retire from law enforcement) says something wasn’t right. They had to have been tipped off.
We dropped two new pods tonight! We had some difficulties bringing in our special guest after the first hour. When we got her on we went another 2-1/2 hours, so we decided to leave them split.
@vlynnQ have a link?
The first one is just an hour, news of the day: Nashville and arrests on the hill. The Patriot Party: Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing Day from Mic and Vlynn, please check it out.
The second one we do a deep dive into covid vaccine side effects with Janet! 4 Deep Dive with Deplorable Janet, please check it out.
Thanks! @vlynnQ . You have been a solid source throughout this process
TJ you coming to DC?
I am not sure yet.... Crashed my car 2 days ago so we will see this week
But I am work free until Jan 18. I want to get there!
We talk about exactly that in the first pod we dropped today, the news one
@Tj_Redpill does your insurance cover a rental?
Im assuming you’re ok?
Im fine. The insurance has one, but It depends on if I can get back to Minnesota before repairs are done.
I think we should be good. I think we will be able to book our hotel on tuesday. I really hope to get there! 45 NEEDS US! WE THE PEOPLE!
Just tell the shop that you need them to delay finishing the repairs unlit the 8th. They’ll be happy for the extra time!
my friend was in west palm spirngs. he was with trumo on the driving range. He said he seemed super laid back
We are booked at the Washington Marriott at Metro Center on 12th st. That way people staying at outlying hotels can take the metro in and we can all meet up and walk together en masse FYI
That’s awesome! Trump has seemed more chill in the past month than in the past 4 years for sure.
What do you guys think will happen on the 6th?? I’m not in a spot where I can just drop everything and go...hopefully it’s not like the only way off this planet or something. 😂
the only thing for sure about 1/6 is that the mainstream media will be extremely dishonest about the whole thing and make trump supporters out to be villains
anybody knows anyone who took vaccine?
nobody i know, just on the media news and online
Vax News