Message from @bbygirlgabss
Discord ID: 792875615195889684
I have a link for u @Looking Lukas 😈
i’ve said my peace for the day
Are we spamming guys? We need an nsfw chat 🤞🏼
@DarknessToLight if what I’m hearing is true, we may find that out before this is all over!
lukass is mad we arent believing that trump is DS
no he’s not lol.
no... conspiracy theory is strcitly business
no fun allowed
y’all gonna be mad when he puts a vaccine in your butt
CIA totally took him out
theres no spamming here 😂
Ya let’s keep the fun stuff on guilded u guys.
leave the fun in the hood 👀
As Mic’s buddy told him, we’re no longer conspiracy theorists, we’re truthsayers. We’re the news now
We don’t want this to be a guilded 2.0 guys 😿
no spamming. no swearing. no fun. no breathing. no freedom. gotcha
omg stop trying to make guilded 2.0 happen
hahaha little do u know...
@bbygirlgabss you’re killing the plan...
Let’s take this party where we are welcomed
we’re having a good time
I’ll post more DIL* pics
agreed. I forgot u can only send 1 message per minute here.
So nice to see all my guilded friends here love u guys
back to guilded
love u gabs!!
guilded is frozen remember 😂
I gotta take a shower. My coochie stinks
Ur right it’s frozen 😿
how did you forget, i called it!!
yup has about as much action as this chat
Apparently the bomber died in the explosion
Vlynn u can’t say coochie on here!!!
other chat for that
@Megafast13 the “bomber” with three names...
where’s the nsfw chat
What gabs said
that bomber is dumb lol