Message from @ffjake

Discord ID: 792926614857973780

2020-12-28 01:18:20 UTC  

I'm waiting for one of the cool kids to analyze the video frame by frame. I'm definitely leaving toward a missile

2020-12-28 01:18:34 UTC  

@Cj in Michigan is that Mike Adams as in Planet Mikey? Sorry for the ignorance.

2020-12-28 01:19:17 UTC  

Mike adams natural news- brighteon

2020-12-28 01:20:12 UTC  

You guys getting $600 then?

2020-12-28 01:20:21 UTC  

Here is some info I’ve pieced together from others. I’m still compiling pieces here and there. All in all it’s still early but allot of players are involved. What do you guys think?

AT&T got a contract to do forensic audit on Dominion voting machines and those machines were being moved to Nashville this past week.
The former owner of the AT&T building in Nashville, William Kennard, is a board member for Cerberus Capital Management and AT&T.... He also was Bill Clinton’s FCC chair, and Obama’s Ambassador to the EU.
Dominion voting is owned by Cerberus Capital Management.... Cerberus is run by Staple Street Execs. Joe Bidens Brother in Law, Steven Owens, is the cofounder of Staple Street Execs along with William Kennard (mentioned above).
Super Computer in TN was connected to the AT&T internet in NASHVILLE.... yesterday evening the Cumberland river cooling system was compromised due to internet outage and Supercomputer fried.....
If you don’t know, “Kraken” is a reference to a supercomputer former prosecuter, Sidney Powell, has been talking about.
So, the explosion “just happened” to be at the AT&T location where they “just so happen” to control the cooling system for the super computer and house the dominion voting machines and drives for forensic audit...
Does it make sense now why no lives were lost? Does it make sense now why the FBI task lead couldn’t even put together a coherent sentence in the press conference yesterday? Does it make sense why the mayor was making light of the situation, almost laughing yesterday?

2020-12-28 01:20:42 UTC  
2020-12-28 01:21:28 UTC  

@cait howdy cowgirl!

2020-12-28 01:22:37 UTC  

Why did Trump sign the bill if there was something in there about nullifying the insurrection act? I’m confused now

2020-12-28 01:23:16 UTC  

Insurrection act doesn’t matter.

2020-12-28 01:23:43 UTC  

here’s the missile for anyone who missed it earlier

2020-12-28 01:25:26 UTC  

@cait the shades are rad!

2020-12-28 01:25:31 UTC  

I think vlynn said that was in a different bill but I could be wrong

2020-12-28 01:25:33 UTC  

this is good shit. i also noticed something that seems fishy related to the ontario explosion — KPMG forensic accounting office across the street

2020-12-28 01:26:07 UTC  

@ffjake thank u! The full picture has me and a cut out of Melania trump. We are drinking rosĂ© together đŸ€Ł

2020-12-28 01:26:17 UTC  

I am curious! We’ll see I guess

2020-12-28 01:26:50 UTC  

@cait cheers to that! 😉

2020-12-28 01:27:04 UTC  

you gotta be fucking kidding me

2020-12-28 01:27:12 UTC  

@Phig Newton $600 right?

2020-12-28 01:27:16 UTC  

@Phig Newton yes but he says more good news to follow

2020-12-28 01:27:36 UTC  

"Good news on Covid Relief Bill. Information to follow!

2020-12-28 01:27:56 UTC  

He just basically gave other countries free money and we got scraps

2020-12-28 01:28:22 UTC  

Fuck this stimulus deal!

2020-12-28 01:28:34 UTC  

hopefully there is funding for GITMO!

2020-12-28 01:29:01 UTC  

@Zo $600 worth!

2020-12-28 01:29:20 UTC  

lets wait until tomorrow before we rush to judgment

2020-12-28 01:29:30 UTC  

There might be more... but as of now this bill blows!

2020-12-28 01:30:19 UTC  

Lol, he just rewarded and paid off everyone involved in the worldwide Covid hoax.

2020-12-28 01:32:07 UTC  

Lets hope this lasts awhile

2020-12-28 01:32:48 UTC  

How is there good news to come after signing this shit

2020-12-28 01:32:57 UTC  

He really just gave 10 mill to Pakistan for gender studies lol

2020-12-28 01:33:04 UTC  

We shall see what was adjusted

2020-12-28 01:33:11 UTC  

And what implications it has....

2020-12-28 01:33:33 UTC  

Also the bill states that this funding only occurs with presidential approval

2020-12-28 01:34:17 UTC  

There is 20 BILLION in there that goes direct to pharma for the vaccines. 10 BILLION more for distribution. Also big money to Gates foundation.

2020-12-28 01:34:35 UTC  

Is it $600 a week?

2020-12-28 01:35:43 UTC

2020-12-28 01:35:57 UTC  

The whole building is a giant owl

2020-12-28 01:36:22 UTC  

It is a Covid stimulus, that part is true, it's to fund this hoax to go on forever.