Message from @Mike D
Discord ID: 792934440472150016
@laurel grace that's what the statement says
now let's see what the redline is
@Tye_jaye they're on their own they have universal healthcare That makes everything better for the commies right?
I'm kinda worried he's playing 1d golf rather than 5d chess.
it’s also 33 stories and is on 333 commerce street. also there’s this Q post #500
That seems like a bunch of gibberish
I totally forgot about this post
People, it’s an omnibus bill. That means that trump can allocate wasteful funds if they aren’t eliminated and put them toward what he deems more appropriate
I want a cute colored name damnit!
@slowpoke760 he’s the pic from the google street view. And here’s one I found that I think is just like it. Still digging.
@McKe20 it’s $600 period. One time payment. Thank the democrats for putting money for payments to other countries.
@bbygirlgabss your profile pic isn’t good enough?
This whole explosion thing is so weird. So annoying how nothing ever makes any damn sense with what’s going on
TiffNParis ❤️❤️❤️❤️
She really upgraded
@Koreysat great research but look at the vent (in the red box ) it’s not in the same position. Top pic vent is above and behind the window. Below picture (in red box) black vent is level with the window behind glass.
@Koreysat your picture shows white vent before window
I guess not :/
Yes and the girl he have his house to that doesn’t know him it’s just frustrating
trump a boss, 230 gone, 2000 voted on tomorrow and can still veto parts of the PORK
@cait I just seen your screen name. Hahaha
@Koreysat also the RV in the footage says “Cheetah “ the bottom pic you provided does not have lettering, only artwork
tozzncait ooooh thats spicy
I’m no forensic expert, but how can there still be “human remains” left after such a violent explosion? Especially enough to conduct a DNA analysis.
Trumps starting to piss me the F off
boss move
he can toss whatever PORK he wants.. its an OMNIBUS
4d chess.... optics
I ❤️ trump
we all do.. that was a BOSS move
trump gets more popular by the hour
100+ mil will love him by jan 6 😉
Go pack go
Titans gonna lose tonight