Message from @McKe20
Discord ID: 792929732949835797
There might be more... but as of now this bill blows!
Lol, he just rewarded and paid off everyone involved in the worldwide Covid hoax.
Lets hope this lasts awhile
He really just gave 10 mill to Pakistan for gender studies lol
We shall see what was adjusted
And what implications it has....
Also the bill states that this funding only occurs with presidential approval
There is 20 BILLION in there that goes direct to pharma for the vaccines. 10 BILLION more for distribution. Also big money to Gates foundation.
Is it $600 a week?
The whole building is a giant owl
It is a Covid stimulus, that part is true, it's to fund this hoax to go on forever.
This is BS- he could of sat with it for 10 days and the Congress would reset on a January 3rd. He could have then gotten the relief with none of the other fat- is he trusting Pelosi now??
So let’s just chill
They promised?!?
Don’t overreact until we actually see what happens
So just $600, not $600 a week
hahaha I can’t wait to hear why he accepted this bill 🙄
Hello everyone can someone point me in the direction of where I can get my OG voice guest cute colored discord name back
Hello everyone can someone point me in the direction of where I can get my OG voice guest cute colored discord name back
We don’t know what has happened we don’t know what the bill is if it is the bull shit that was there what are we gonna do about this? Just take it?
Not over reaction, truth! He could have defended them- just seems like he’s trying to please everyone when some will never like him.
So trump played 5d chess
So trump basically said he is going to redline the stuff he doesn't want and accept the stuff that benefits the people
he played them simple as that is how I read his statement
and he wants section 230 removed or greatly diminished and an investigation into voter fraud
Hope you’re right🙌🏻
Wait did he give any money to Canada??
@laurel grace that's what the statement says
now let's see what the redline is
@Tye_jaye they're on their own they have universal healthcare That makes everything better for the commies right?
I'm kinda worried he's playing 1d golf rather than 5d chess.
it’s also 33 stories and is on 333 commerce street. also there’s this Q post #500
That seems like a bunch of gibberish