Message from @Newey
Discord ID: 792937756317057047
trump gets more popular by the hour
100+ mil will love him by jan 6 😉
Go pack go
Titans gonna lose tonight
Finally field goal from Crosby
Fucking chiefs scared me today
shoulda took the L
Look out , Tommy will call you a faketriot
I also love Trump and FLOTUS
trumps knows what he’s doing guys. dont turn on him so quick. you have no idea what’s going on.
Nesera Geseraaaa
Blame Canada
blame the UK mainly.
Never will turn on Trump. Just anxious as things are ramping up
It’s Chateau Sport. I was using that to show the trim. That’s the only thing is I haven’t been able to find the same logo. Still digging 😆
I can love my president and hate some of the shit he does lol he’s not God
Uk patriot, longtime listener just joined
My girl and Melania hanging out!!!😍
If you worship trump you're insane
@WizKhaliba I agree
I only worship Jesus. Not trump lol
I’ve been a patriot before Trump and will be forever and always
never said I worship Trump.
Like Tripoli says, nobody is coming to save us except ourselves
Cait you’re a Total babe!!! 😍😍💦
Trump is the only one fighting for you. But I'm not giving this chat any life so that's all I'm saying
@WhiteLightning ⚡ ❤️ u
amen... 4d chess. . BOSS MOVE.
anyone got an only fans. need to waste subscription $
yall are turning on trump??? really??!
love u sagal ❤️
Packers always get steamrolled in ploffs
Who was turning on trump?
America needs to come first
all of y’all. Over $600 lol.
he will cut the pork
he has a plan.