Message from @freethinker
Discord ID: 792943933827186698
lol what happened to no mercy?
calmate calmate
Why is there crying and hugs?
whose crying lol
@Rage Fueled I got in trouble for saying coochie earlier, pussy is definitely a no no
The last 15 minutes lol
actually censor the whole ******* so they gotta guess what the word is 😂
So I can’t say crybabies are pussies or...?
@Rage Fueled longer than that
I miss the brand
brand is dead Jess. Just like joe bidens voters and the chat.
RIP the wild no mercy days
Is this a snowflake room or a no mercy no bullshit no porn no cuck room of patriots?
So it's over?
@Rage Fueled no, you can’t say crybabies are pussies or cunts or soy boys or fudge packers.. no fun allowed
@SeeingRedAgain wdym
You guys can open your own shit if this isn’t working...real easy to do
Trump just trolled TF outta congress 😂
The election? Or we're crying over something else? 🤣
Now there’s an idea !!
Ok. So this room is now run by liberal cry baby fucking pussies that only talk porn and hugging...? Ok.
Smh lol
rage ur killing me
Guess I’ll go back to a place where adults are adults and not fucking bitch ass pussies
@SeeingRedAgain no ones crying
What’s the average age here? Fucking 23?
Just an urban legend now... damn Dorsey
@vlynnQ I have such a hard time reading sarcasm lol
I think you fucks need to drink so Jäger and ball up. This movement needs adults. Not fucking cunty babies
no rinos lol 🦏 🚫
I just came in to everyone talking hugs and tears so I was lost. ♡
Does everybody know that being told “no porn” isn’t censorship? Or are you all as retarded as you are cry babies
want porn? Porn hub is free.