Message from @Pipeliner_USA

Discord ID: 793129637902811137

2020-12-28 14:50:03 UTC  

It’s a long shot but still possible. I’m around 45%

2020-12-28 14:50:10 UTC  


2020-12-28 14:50:21 UTC  

I still think trump got this

2020-12-28 14:50:26 UTC  


2020-12-28 14:50:44 UTC  

Word. Agree on that where i think we part ways is my gut says Trump was real and was quickly flipped (after walking back his intelligence agency smear in Helsinki) and has become Trojan Trump: maximum division, economic bankruptcy, warp speed. He has been awful since helsinki. We all got fooled — that said he is still better then biden

2020-12-28 14:51:11 UTC  

Trump won bigger than I thought he would dec 14, I thought best case he’d get 2-3 alternate state electors

2020-12-28 14:51:27 UTC  

He got all contested states

2020-12-28 14:51:28 UTC  

Trump’s an underdog in the 4th quarter down 2 scores with the ball in the red zone.

Needs to score, get an onside kick and score again.

2020-12-28 14:51:34 UTC  

I just dont see very many avenues to take down anymore for Trump. He probably has one or two big plays left to try and make before the clock runs out

2020-12-28 14:51:35 UTC  

if trump doesnt win they’re gonna try and kill him so he has to win

2020-12-28 14:52:02 UTC  

its as simple as that

2020-12-28 14:52:08 UTC  

Oh if Trump looses they are killing him, I've had that feeling since 2018

2020-12-28 14:52:15 UTC  

Bold statement.

2020-12-28 14:52:24 UTC  

@Pipeliner_USA i mean it

2020-12-28 14:52:59 UTC  

Get ready for all of the false treason charges to get brought up if he can't secure this

2020-12-28 14:53:05 UTC  

They aren't going to kill him, he will be having drinks at a country club with Bush Jr, Hillary, and Bill Barr.

2020-12-28 14:53:10 UTC  

hes not gonna sacrifice his family over this bullshit without a W somewhere

2020-12-28 14:53:15 UTC  

I disagree. I think Trump has done everything he can to the best of his ability and was spread too thin from all of the constant attacks and inner circle betrayals.

He left many of the personnel decisions to others who weren’t on the same page as him.

Trump is our guy, he just needed more help than he got.

2020-12-28 14:53:23 UTC  

Good thing he has tons of money and resources

2020-12-28 14:53:47 UTC  

@Check3rs means nothing when you pissed off dozens of countries and people

2020-12-28 14:54:01 UTC  

He hired some shitheads. Starting with Priebus.

2020-12-28 14:54:10 UTC  

Big time Pipe

2020-12-28 14:54:22 UTC  

More bad hiring decisions than good imo

2020-12-28 14:54:35 UTC  

It’s been my one constant complaint for 4 years

2020-12-28 14:54:42 UTC  

He’s spent the last 4 years the centre of the bullseye, once he is out he has no pull or position. I don’t think they will 🤷‍♀️ just my opinion

2020-12-28 14:54:44 UTC  


2020-12-28 14:55:35 UTC  

@Check3rs they kill people who arent even involved at a big level... of course they will!

2020-12-28 14:55:58 UTC  

they’re out for his head rn

2020-12-28 14:56:31 UTC  

Haha I don’t see much point in playing this guessing game... only God knows what’s to happen and I don’t think we should waste our energy on it

2020-12-28 14:57:10 UTC  

its not a guess they wont retailate against him or us

2020-12-28 14:57:17 UTC  

this is the last stand

2020-12-28 14:57:38 UTC  

Trump came and shook the world for 4 years and hopefully more, but if he doesn't secure this, the US government now has the greatest scapegoat of all time. Expect every single problem in the country whether it be race related, military, or the economy they will blame trump and say they need to reverse his wrongs making it even easier to pass all these bs laws and regulations. Its been proven that Republicans are nothing but RINO's so even if we have a conservative majority i don't think if changes anything

2020-12-28 14:57:48 UTC  

we cant back down now

2020-12-28 14:58:16 UTC  

That’s a good evaluation @WizKhaliba

2020-12-28 14:58:22 UTC  

Most of conservative inc is just tough talk. None of them actually will do anything.

2020-12-28 14:58:32 UTC  

He needed more help-agree. His inner circle is full of enemies and traders-agree. Who’s fault is that? His fault. At some point his inability to pick loyal people who support his vision is sooooo bad. Either he is a fake: reality tv actor playing the part of the embattled president or he is allowing someone (who is an enemy) to make those picks and he is so far in over his head to realize it.

2020-12-28 14:58:59 UTC  

I’m not backing down from shit. They are doing a full attack on the people and they are the ones I’m worried about. Trump can take care of himself and he has WAY more resources than we ever will.

2020-12-28 14:59:18 UTC  

yall going to DC on the 6th?!

2020-12-28 14:59:35 UTC  

Ok, so I’m really confused. Is Joe Biden really taking office next month? I’m not seeing anything showing Trump is staying

2020-12-28 14:59:51 UTC  

That’s why it’s time to burn it all down and start from the ground up. Trump showed everyone how broken the system really is.

2020-12-28 14:59:57 UTC  

No one knows anything. There’s your answerp