Message from @Womack
Discord ID: 793133557572173824
Unfortunately, the thing I was counting on the least was Pence and Jan 6th.
we have to be 100% there because were at risk too
Yeah that's not happening
I don’t think dates matter. The whole point is to attack when they least expect it. You don’t think anybody on the bad side can’t read Q? Doesn’t see what Patriots are saying on twitter?
so be there and still continue your support
Trump will rise like a Phoenix out of the ashes
101% victory.
Apparently there’s some Ukraine news about to drop as well. Who knows if that’s fog
Ukraine dropped some news yesterday
And let me say this. He’s calling for people in DC on the 6th. You can’t deny people in #s.
I don’t want to be right about any of this but it’s where my analysis led me
Sure you can, look at all the rally’s and million maga March. It didn’t change anything.. people still think Biden got more votes
So what is everyone’s thoughts on the Nashville bombing? Between Anonymous post and what someone posted here this weekend, sounds like the deep state trying to keep voting audit from happening. My question is since when did AT&T start doing audits. That sounds fishy to me.
guys this negativity is gonna led us no where
The important thing is, not just America but a lot of parts of the world have become trumpers or anti trumpers. Tbh I don’t think it really matters who wins, major backlash is coming either way and people world wide are going to be living in two different timelines. Which is probably the easiest way for the elites to implement the NWO / Agendas. We are completely divided.
I haven't had time to check out the chat or Twitter much this weekend... What was the consensus on the nashville blast?
if biden gets in office is GAME OVER
so we need to stop looking at dayss and whining and start doing something
actually show up to rallies, actually GET MAD
If you don't strategize around all the potential scenarios (regardless of being negative), you may win occasional battles but you'll almost always lose the war
we need to DEMAND that they listen to us
That’s a pretty negative statement.
they are only there because of us
we need to remind them of that
Most this country can be shown that masks don't work and that asymptomatic spread doesn't exist and they just go nope. Now imagine getting them to acknowledge voter fraud. Hell I couldn't even get people to acknowledge the slavery going on in China right now
The fact that Trump got in in 2016 means shit is definitely not over right now
If trump wins then what? That’s the other thing lol. Trump wins then agenda 2030 is just off? Like entire rest of the elites aren’t in the middle of implementing it right now.
@Check3rs its not negative to take their word that they WILL retailiate against us
No ones gonna listen to trump if he wins from the left / normies.
I think the inevitable outcome from all of this is a hot Civil War.
Not sure how I see it going any other direction.
the leftiest are not the majority in this situation
they just cheated
no bullshit 😂
Aliens is how you change direction
I agree and there was no way trump lost but I think you can still say 50+ million voted for Biden. + all the liberal / indoctrinated countries outside of America who just watch MSM have a lot of anti trump people.
Exactly my point.. you said no more negativity then said Biden wins game over.. We are in a war.. with or without a trump win. It’s time to be real even if it sounds negative @a lil rain
But look. Got a new AG. Watnick. Chris Miller. We got some new people. Dates don’t matter. It’s only the “when” the hammer will drop