Message from @The Coyote
Discord ID: 793134635763761193
they are only there because of us
we need to remind them of that
Most this country can be shown that masks don't work and that asymptomatic spread doesn't exist and they just go nope. Now imagine getting them to acknowledge voter fraud. Hell I couldn't even get people to acknowledge the slavery going on in China right now
The fact that Trump got in in 2016 means shit is definitely not over right now
If trump wins then what? That’s the other thing lol. Trump wins then agenda 2030 is just off? Like entire rest of the elites aren’t in the middle of implementing it right now.
@Check3rs its not negative to take their word that they WILL retailiate against us
No ones gonna listen to trump if he wins from the left / normies.
I think the inevitable outcome from all of this is a hot Civil War.
Not sure how I see it going any other direction.
the leftiest are not the majority in this situation
they just cheated
no bullshit 😂
Aliens is how you change direction
I agree and there was no way trump lost but I think you can still say 50+ million voted for Biden. + all the liberal / indoctrinated countries outside of America who just watch MSM have a lot of anti trump people.
Exactly my point.. you said no more negativity then said Biden wins game over.. We are in a war.. with or without a trump win. It’s time to be real even if it sounds negative @a lil rain
But look. Got a new AG. Watnick. Chris Miller. We got some new people. Dates don’t matter. It’s only the “when” the hammer will drop
@The Coyote what significance is that?
@Womack I can’t confirm anything about att doing the election fraud audit. -that said i know att was the target and the rv doesn’t match the fbi faked that- its a different rv from the one in the driveway = false flag. The missile trail is interesting but photo quality is low. The fbi was on scene immediately on xmas morning- huge red flag, no blast crater in the street? Supports the missile theroy.
i never said we weren’t in war
i said this was a war since the beginning
The only different one (the circled one) is Row one, column 6, as a date could be looked at as 1/6 (january 6th)
@Cj in Michigan I give that theory credence
So this is what I mean. Trump / Biden really idk like I bought what trump was selling and I worry that was maybe his part in all of this. Now those of us who think independently or do our own research are basically muzzled because conspiracy is now coupled with trump which has been rendered useless to the masses and they now feel more confident that people like us are crazy.
That’s my concern ^
Weird yet too weird to be just a coincidence
@The Coyote oh, nice catch!
Does this mean that getting drunk calling out adrenochrome drinking pedophiles on Twitter wasn't the way to defeat the cabal?
the masses are the minority
Say anything out of line on social media and you are instantly called a Trumper conspiracy theorist
I saw it on twitter, but that whole press conference seemed to be symbolic anyway
I wonder if the Nashville attack has anything to do with the trump turn around signing the covid bill?
Agreed. The anonymous post mentioned gunfight between bad actors and white hats. Country musician that filmed the aftermath said he heard gunfire. Agree with you on target.
this was the US in 2016
I agree but they are going to be the likely ones to move to cities or take vaccines or acquiesce to the tech advancements, etc etc. The more they do the further the agenda timelines push forward. It doesn’t matter if they are the minority there’s still a massive population of people who are the masses.
Here’s me thing, Trump wasn’t supposed to win. He’s a thorn in their side right now. He’s also played huge role in opening eyes. I don’t see how he can be against us
i’m not bowing to their fear porn
Maybe it was a emp to destroy electronics. And the bomb/was cover.
we’re going to fix our country
Only way civil war doesn't happen is if the truth comes out
So unless we are literally going to like kill the masses lmao like idk what to do / hope for.