Message from @reece canon
Discord ID: 793185458628329512
Last post was the 17th
i was trippin cause it said i didnt have permission on guilded then realized this is a thing again so thats chill she's talking about something to do with her hair here, but I can't stop looking at _______________
well thank you happy late christmas guys hope you guys are enjoying the holidays
You too! How was your Christmas
that nurses insta has a lot of interesting photos with kids and pizza >.>
even the accounts she follows is sus
that one, i'm going through it now. Some interesting comments people leaving too
it was alright i didnt get to see most the family i usually do but other than that at least i got to celebrate it
What one was you looking at Jay
Yeah thats it
I git the dates wrong
Last post was the 14th
Vaccine must have been the 15th/16th
follows a lot of baby accounts like cutebabyflicks
whose tiffany dover??
The girl who passed out on live tv from the vaccine
nah that pizza photo is SUS
personally I think pence is a black hat. But he could be black hat turned white hat.
bro and she got clout for the vaccine
why would you think that? i trust pence honestly
5 days ago???
lol didnt mean to quote that one
why would you that that?
it’s just my opinion from my research. you obviously can think differently
@reece canon welcome back ❤️
hello and thank you!
Its funny how Covid1984 vaccine doesn't actually stop covid but it rather just ease the symptoms. So what's the fkn point of vaccine if it's not preventing anything and you can and will still test positive (judged by test that is not supposed to test for covid in first place).
Hello loves
i’m hoping pence does the right thing
janet ❤️
@DeplorableJanet hi Janet!! How are u doing today 🙂