Message from @Mech
Discord ID: 793275340268634113
Saying that because of what Ukraine has put out just recently. That’s how I see it if they cannot go the legal route
Yeah you had to be approved but even that had problems and every time you went back in. More loading
Check out the video from his channel I posted above.
Frankie posted a video, and we were talking about it
This chat changes every week 😭 I’m finally here !
Why did Trump signed the bill???
Welcome to the greatest community on earth.
IMO, it's treason
Is there a show tonight?
I don’t see a voice section anywhere.
When we getting some benbc news 👀
Hopefully never 🤣🤣🤣
@Phig Newton this sucks 😩
How is your evening so far???
Mine is decent thank you
How can they just override a veto like this? what a joke. What is next? Will trump override the override?
My kitty had kidney failure over the weekend, she’s been at the veterinarian for emergency care. Heartbreaking when our pets get sick 🥺
Sorry to hear it bud
Y’all are the best
I'm sorry! Best of luck. My cat had something similar years ago.
If she can start eating solid foods Vice IV she can come home. Hopefully soon
Got your 6 janet
@DeplorableJanet heard you’ll be in DC for sure now 😏😏 can’t wait to finally meet you there!!
Janet 4 eva
We ❤️ u so much Janet
Yes, congress can override a veto if 2/3 of members agree to do so. The house voted, it still needs to go through the senate.
I LOVE @DeplorableJanet .. definitely still on my Top 5 Bang list
Praying for you and the cat. I have 2 cats.
Thank you Sir Rodrick, she’s 13 and plays like kitten. Your prayers are deeply appreciated ❤️
So the senate will do the same and then it becomes law? <:PepeHmm:792083726989262849>
came for the janet love, stayed for the kitty pictures