Message from @crookedref
Discord ID: 793263010666905651
Remember ATi? me neither
I'm new to the PC game, so all I know is team red and green.
I'm just waiting till they're in stock at Micro Center. I swap parts in for credit and just pay the difference.
Agh so happy that it's discord again!!!! 🎊
US House Votes Too Increase Stimulus Checks to $2,000
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along time ago there used to be 3 graphics companies voodoo, ATi, and Nvidia, but unfortunately Voodoo passed away due to bankruptcy and ATi was bought out by AMD which was only a CPU company and then there only became two AMD and Nvidia, which ironically both CEO's of AMD and Nvidia are related to each other
For those STILL saying he signed the 600 dollar one. He didnt
Now the fool seeks to return to the past, and undo the future that is Aku!
He made it better, they passed it TODAY we will be getting 2000
Ironically my ass. Definitely intentional I'd assume lol
It;s time to go back, back to the past Samurai Phig
I love this crazy crew.
Do we know yet if the pork was trimmed from the bill?
It was supposed to be
lol @President-Elect Frankie G - I think it was trimmed down to just Covid stimulus. And I believe it did pass on to the senate. But I could be wrong.
It did
They passed it today
Well damn
What up
It passed house I thought
Not senate
@crookedref trump will win but it may be in the form of letting the biden admin show how bad they are during a term in the white house while trump increases his following from the outside
It's great to be back on here. Guilded moved like maple syrup
It sucked.
It was like jumping between screens waa your worst enemy... I hate slow shit cause my mind is an explosion going on sporadically
This is much more fun to jump around on.. Plus my other channels are on here
Ok putting bets in
I literally couldn't post links or pictures.
Oh we’re back here?
Guilded was our training grounds
Discord is much better. My only gripe is once the numbers go up, the main chat is too busy. More channels = better experience for all
Does the Senate vote tonight?
I feel like if Trump cannot do something legally, he has to put something out there that makes it against law for Biden to run
What happened to Linus?