Message from @xBenJamminx
Discord ID: 793277734448398379
My kitty had kidney failure over the weekend, she’s been at the veterinarian for emergency care. Heartbreaking when our pets get sick 🥺
Sorry to hear it bud
Y’all are the best
I'm sorry! Best of luck. My cat had something similar years ago.
If she can start eating solid foods Vice IV she can come home. Hopefully soon
Got your 6 janet
@DeplorableJanet heard you’ll be in DC for sure now 😏😏 can’t wait to finally meet you there!!
Janet 4 eva
We ❤️ u so much Janet
Yes, congress can override a veto if 2/3 of members agree to do so. The house voted, it still needs to go through the senate.
I LOVE @DeplorableJanet .. definitely still on my Top 5 Bang list
Praying for you and the cat. I have 2 cats.
Thank you Sir Rodrick, she’s 13 and plays like kitten. Your prayers are deeply appreciated ❤️
So the senate will do the same and then it becomes law? <:PepeHmm:792083726989262849>
came for the janet love, stayed for the kitty pictures
I was planning on doing a show tonight but I had an apocalypse on the betting website that took me damn near 6 straight hours. I'm gonna do a longer show tomorrow night to make up for it
Yes, the National Defense Authorization Act would pass if the Senate also votes a 2/3 majority to override veto.
@darkskies Make sure your cat is getting mineral water when she comes home
Spring water.
So cute ❤️🥰
Literally anytime I lay down he has to smother me. I’m ok with it.
@President-Elect Frankie G mineral or spring water? Hmm 🤔 I’ll do that
Janet 💙❤️
Anything with organic electrolytes. You can try unrefined salt too once you're comfortable with it.
Pink salt, Celtic, etc.
Oh wow I will absolutely start doing that
I prepare my dogs food, but the kitty doesn’t seem to like it
Raw yogurt might not be a bad choice, either
A little bit mixed in. Probiotic.
Definitely hydration, though.
Oh wait raw yoghurt? Hmm from goat?
I use goat. I know not everybody has access to that. I get mine from a farm.
Any probiotic yogurt, as clean as you can.