Message from @DeplorableJanet
Discord ID: 793284667808677919
He looks like ours
You sneaky peeps stole my heart. I can’t stop crying. God bless you all
This little guy gives me something to look forward to while all this crap is going on around us
I can’t handle this amount of cuteness ❤️❤️
@DeplorableJanet anything for you janet
look at all these puppers
Puppies!!!! Lol
@freethinker looks about right 😂
Not the pussy, sorry cat picture I was hoping to see. Need to remember this is a family show
Cute puppies
Sorry man, just a slip of the tongue 👅
You are fucking amazing. YOU.
We did it for you @DeplorableJanet . We LOVE you
you mean the comedic cabal isnt a bunch of neanderthals? who woulda thunked it?
What a nice weiner @Tye_jaye
Hahaha yes it’s still early behave
I'm trying
TEAM COMEDIC CABAL... where we have fun, and support those we love!.... want to bitch about breaking911 all day... stay here
@ScottishRedPillRebel fuck no your not please!!! Lol
@DeplorableJanet do we need to be on standby to get you out of jail after you beat the shit of of antifa libs ??
You deserve the world Janet but this is good for now @DeplorableJanet
Just back me up, fuck Mic
@ScottishRedPillRebel fuck you know I will damn cunts!!!
I wish quasi was here to see this
excellent point trumpnoodz
Where the fuck is he even ???
With angeljoy drinking pepsi
Janet you soooo deserve to go to DC! I’m so@freakin happy for you!!!!!!!