Message from @Heat00veride
Discord ID: 793661461158690826
One of my favorite things to do is when I see someone driving with a mask on, drive by them and have a faux coughing fit and observe the horrific looks
that goes in the AFTER DARK chat
should just tell them your name is wet ass patty 😂
👆🏻 they know
names like that are only allowed to post in AFTER DARK chat
wet a** patty you can only talk in the after dark chat
tis the rules
I’m bringing my buddy after dark 👆🏻
Got it
Watch that
i’m dead
Yeah in stead of being an idiot I'm actually sharing stuff
I'd kick it in the balls
In a couple of minutes it’s gonna get so dirty in here, all of you are going to wish you had a cock in each ear!
Especially pink
Then you’ve never seen my moms vagina!
I love Ken Robinson
Did someone post porn in here
Nah, just dick and pussy jokes
Dats porn
Are they wearing magical Mormon underwear?
Jesus you scared me there for a second @Mr.Goodcat
@bootysweat that’s my bad
The pic wasn’t loading and I just can’t sin again today
I can’t wait till that happens to an admin 🤣🤣