Message from @moses420
Discord ID: 793683787514642432
It’s almost after dark 🔥🔥 that’s when the party starts
Stooooop 🤣😂
Not a fooking minute before
fookin legind of gin alley?
Ok I put my picture.... 😬😬
Wait, Nancy P is dead? How do we know this?
That bitch has been dead inside for a long long time.
@Zo looking handsome bro
Oakland raiders got the best logo in the nfl but ...
I like how the masons snuck in one eye in that logo
Well the “raiders” are pirates and they tend to have one bad eye
What’s up @moses420 ? You still snitchin? 😂
@NancyP sweet! hopefully we’ll see each other there!
Democrats are immune
Sticky Pirates?
Proud boys are wearing full black on January 6th in DC and spreading out into smaller groups.
Gonna be wild.
Getting ready to drive Vermont to see in laws in few days . Saving up some energy
Do we support Proud Boys? I don't associate with anything the media props up
Proud boys sounds so gay
Honestly one way to handle the left is to hijack their label. Meaning instead of calling Proud Boys , switch it to Progressive boys
I'm excited but super nervous I have to make my final decision if I'm gonna go by tomorrow
@Beckster3882 come to DC! Don’t be nervous, Mic will be with us.
@vlynnQ no I’ll be in Vermont with wife and kids. Plus you know it’s better not to ruin my pension . You know what I mean.
If something happens ...
Is it January 6th yet? That date is going to come and go just like the "Holidays" did, and we'll all be here looking at each other lol
I smell a narc in here 👀👃🏻
I'll be with a bus of 50 or so people lol let's link up! If that's even possible
@moses420 I know exactly what you mean. Ours is on the line but I don’t give a fuck. After the story I told on Janet’s pod I dare them to take mics pension.
anything in there 👀
Whodat? 🦉
@vlynnQ amen to that
@Beckster3882 Mic is my husband. And one of the most highly trained and decorated SF fuckers the army’s ever had. I'm listening to Deplorable Nation | Deplorable Nation Ep 26 Never Broken on Podbean, check it out!