Message from @Qdot4
Discord ID: 793715735557046322
@Konspiracy Kyle hey you got a shout out on Janet’s pod today. I was talking about how movies reflect life, especially Star Wars.
Sweet!! Can’t wait to hear it!!!
@Konspiracy Kyle yeah she plugged your handle and your podcast.
@Konspiracy Kyle it’s really long... we went 3-1/2 hours. And mic kept yelling at me about what I left out when he listened today. But it’s an insane story.
She is one of the reasons I do what I do. She is so thoughtful and kind and she deserves it back 100 fold
Ben? Where’s Ben?
@Konspiracy Kyle couldn’t agree more. She’s one of my favorite people in the whole world
have u checked twitter
Whoaaaa lol
Yeah... like I said, it’s a crazy wild story
@Konspiracy Kyle link your pod
I’m actually writing a book about our story. But I’m not allowed to publish it until Mic dies. Per him.
We could have talked 8 hours
Well, I am in line to kick his butt @vlynnQ 😂
@Konspiracy Kyle adding it to my play list.
@Konspiracy Kyle woah. have you gone down the Lieber nanobioscience rabbit hole on the vax? i have it all collated if you haven’t
But dude, you gotta be more aggressive with it. I spam the shit out of our pod lol.
I published new episode:4 Deep Dive with Deplorable Janet, please check it out.
But what did i do officer?
@DeplorableJanet you’ll have the opportunity in a week!
Talking about uranus and tye hates space
Yoooo I thought it was after dark though. Cops still out?
I reported a crime.
Yeah Jess its martial law you didn't know
I spam the shit out of it on Twitter lol. People probably sick of seeing the posts on there 😂😂 I’m not in here enough to warrant spamming
And got put in jail ya dumb ass
Subscribed 👍👍
Until Ontario is out of shut down
I’m jailing all your asses