Message from @Tye_jaye

Discord ID: 793720090960592927

2020-12-30 05:57:01 UTC

Well ain't that funny

2020-12-30 05:57:14 UTC  


2020-12-30 05:57:29 UTC  

Agenda 21 bout to kick into gear real quick I think

2020-12-30 05:57:49 UTC  

Cyber attack, vaccination ID, digital currencies. šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬

2020-12-30 05:57:56 UTC  

Better buy ya ticket to Tulum @Tye_jaye šŸ‘™

2020-12-30 05:58:19 UTC  

It's funny how many ppl think just because year will end that everything will all of a sudden go back to normal (pre 2020 normal)

2020-12-30 05:58:20 UTC  

Remember last year when they made most people who were out and about return home?

2020-12-30 05:58:20 UTC  

@Tye_jaye canā€™t wait

2020-12-30 05:58:38 UTC  


2020-12-30 05:58:38 UTC  

literally sick of waiting. letā€™s start the fight

2020-12-30 05:58:56 UTC  

Def donā€™t want anything going back to ā€œnormalā€

2020-12-30 05:58:59 UTC  

Yeah Iā€™m here as well

2020-12-30 05:59:09 UTC  

Right. Like itā€™s a reset on Mario

2020-12-30 05:59:15 UTC  

Mexico did ?

2020-12-30 05:59:21 UTC  

Tired of the waiting for a saviour game

2020-12-30 05:59:23 UTC  

iā€™m ready to bring the noise

2020-12-30 05:59:29 UTC  

Peru, Mexico a lot of places

2020-12-30 05:59:46 UTC  

Oh ok guess time will tell. Iā€™m going for Feb

2020-12-30 05:59:55 UTC  

Is New York in shut down rn?

2020-12-30 06:00:11 UTC  

Nothing different over here

2020-12-30 06:00:16 UTC  

I wanted to go somewhere in February too but I know Costa Rica is about to close their boarders so Iā€™m sure Mexico wonā€™t be far behind

2020-12-30 06:00:21 UTC  

the whole northeast is cucked

2020-12-30 06:00:46 UTC  

Itā€™s all a crapshoot really. I thought Mexico would close down in Nov and itā€™s still fine.

2020-12-30 06:01:09 UTC  

Havenā€™t heard about Costa though

2020-12-30 06:01:36 UTC  

iā€™d go to panama so it doesnā€™t matter if you get stuck @Tye_jaye i know a guy you can buy lime farms with btc

2020-12-30 06:01:43 UTC  

"Is space fake"
Ron: "oh wow I hope not"

2020-12-30 06:01:47 UTC

2020-12-30 06:02:05 UTC  

@Pipeliner_USA laugh out loud funny

2020-12-30 06:02:08 UTC  

CR just had a ā€œoutbreakā€ all tourists faults. Likely to close borders again.

2020-12-30 06:02:12 UTC  

Thatā€™s just speculation

2020-12-30 06:02:22 UTC  

Perfect hahaha Iā€™m set then

2020-12-30 06:02:34 UTC  

Same as people here saying lockdowns happening

2020-12-30 06:02:53 UTC  

Well my friend is living in CR and itā€™s starting to have driving restrictions again

2020-12-30 06:02:57 UTC  

Wouldnā€™t mind being stuck in Mexico to be honest

2020-12-30 06:02:59 UTC  

yeah bro open a bank account keep $1000 balance and stay 6 months = citizenship

2020-12-30 06:03:01 UTC  

Iā€™m guessing things kick into gear right after New Years

2020-12-30 06:04:04 UTC  

Pretty sad weā€™re all trying to escape to Central America hahaha

2020-12-30 06:04:13 UTC  

fuck it

2020-12-30 06:04:14 UTC  

Thanks libs

2020-12-30 06:04:17 UTC  

And China

2020-12-30 06:04:21 UTC  

I just need sun and sand